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    5 Rules to Winning Consumer Trust on the Product Page

    June 16, 2018
    3 minute read
    5 Rules to Winning Consumer Trust on the Product Page

    It is no secret that the way people shop has changed. Although consumers may prefer purchasing items in-store, their process to getting there begins in the search bar. Consumers now have the ability to research your products instantly online, and they want to make sure that they trust your brand enough to buy your product. Improving your product page starts by delivering consumers an engaging experience. During a recent webinar, we discussed the 5 critical elements brands must to focus on. 

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    1. Make your product content relevant.

    Consumers want to see content that is personally relevant to their needs. In order to capitalize on this element, Moov, an underwater fitness tracker for swimmers, utilized Amazon Marketing Services to make sure their product appeared every time someone searched for Speedo. By making sure they were reaching a market that found their product relevant, they were able to become a top-performer.

    2. Include plenty of images.

    73% of consumers need more than three images in order to click add-to-cart. Your brand can easily drive sales by adding more images of your product from multiple angles and perspectives to give your consumers a 360-degree experience. Product content matters to consumers and by not providing enough images, your brand is missing out. Bai brands did just this and showed off their variety of flavor options in the process.


    3. Don’t neglect the detailed bullet points. 

    Consumers need an engaging product description, in fact 51% of the time a product page with more bullets will convert higher and outrank the competition. Your bullets can also improve your SEO on Amazon, so making sure you capture everything that would be related to your product and including it in an engaging description will help your brand win.

    4. Curate customer reviews.

    Reviews are essential to gaining consumer trust online. 58% of the time, a listing with more reviews will convert at a higher a rate, so make sure you are giving customers the validation they need with a personal experience they can relate to. A large number of reviews are even more essential to certain categories such as electronics-- the consumer wants to be certain your product is perfect for them.




    5. Operationalize continuous page improvement.

    Think like a digital native. Amazon is a game of tactics and winning ecommerce requires constant improvement on your product page to drive conversions. If your brand puts in the time to capitalize on the elements that have been proven to drive sales and constantly iterates on them-- your brand can be a top performer on Amazon.

    Put best practices for your product page into practice. There is no secret formula to improving your product page, the more time you put into creating engaging content on your product page the more success your brand will see in ecommerce. By delivering a personalized experience customers will return to your brand again and again. 

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    Written by: Clair Aguirre

    Clair Aguirre is a Marketing Co-op at Salsify, who studies marketing and Spanish at Northeastern University.

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