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    KPIs for the Digital Shelf [Video]| Salsify

    February 20, 2018
    KPIs for the Digital Shelf [Video]| Salsify

    What's the best way to regularly check in on the health of your company's online presence? Salsify Co-founder Rob Gonzalez discusses the keys to an effective measurement strategy in our most recent video. 


    There are a lot of factors that go into your success on the digital shelf. From page conversion rates to search ranking, from inventory status to content optimization -- choosing which metric to focus on can seem daunting. Multiply this by every SKU across every sales channel and the complexity rapidly becomes a full-time job and unmangable to act upon in a meaningful way. 

    Begin with the metrics that translate to those good performance outcomes. Content health and brand ownership are the foundations for a company to support the long-term growth online.

    Next, you can improve on that foundation by looking at sales share and search rank. These metrics are available on a daily basis and may impact which campaigns you continue to invest in and which ones you adapt or stop running. 

    Just about every ecommerce team is under staffed. Picking the specific numbers that you care about and thinking about how reviewing them will help grow your sales foundation or optimize your strategy is critical to staying competitive in today's market.

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    Written by: Peter Crosby

    I love starting conversations that help our customers get product content better, faster, stronger. And I have a slight obsession with the New York Times crossword.

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