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    Brand Crush: 5 Reasons to Love Eileen Fisher

    March 21, 2018
    5 minute read
    Brand Crush: 5 Reasons to Love Eileen Fisher

    What makes a brand great? Brands that are great enough to crush on truly provide an engaging product experience to the consumer. Winning brands know how to tell a compelling brand story at all the various digital touch points in a shopper's journey. According to a Forrester survey, more than a third of consumers prefer buying directly from a brand’s direct-to-consumer channel. Eileen Fisher capitalizes on their direct-to-consumer presence online, from their website landing page to their product detail page, to their behind the label details - this is a brand that got it right.

    Speak to your target buyer on the landing page

    Eileen Fisher’s landing page introduces their latest campaign “Power Moves You”. The shopper gets to see multiple photos with the model actually in motion. From moving images to a video of a choreographed routine in their new collection- the consumer is able to see that Eileen Fisher apparel is comfortable and moveable enough to dance in.  

    This strategy moves away from the typical 1-2 static photos you might see on a landing page, making Eileen Fisher’s approach unique and refreshing to the consumer, and allows them to get to know the product well enough to buy it. In fact, the photos of apparel are all movement shots instead.


    Answer every possible question on your product detail page 

    Each product detail page for the brand provides valuable information in the form of photos, videos, and description. For their organic cotton poplin shirt dress there are three photos and a runway product video that helps the consumer see the model move in the item. Three tabs of bullets that explain the style, details of the fabric and dimensions, and “behind the label” details exist on the bottom of the page. They even give us the option to “Dig Deeper” into their materials and dyes used. After clicking through this product information, the consumer is left with little to question about the product, giving them the confidence they need to click buy and know exactly what they are getting.


    Tell the brand story behind your label

    Perhaps something not as obvious about Eileen Fisher is their brand transparency, which allows them to build loyalty with consumers. According to Forrester, brands that display transparency, competence, and integrity have a more likely chance of building trust and confidence with consumers. In Eileen Fisher’s “Behind the Label” tab, you can look into where their product materials come from, such as where their factories are located and what materials they use. Eileen Fisher has also made community commitments to protect human rights and use sustainable materials which makes them stand out as an ethical brand. With this information, consumers are confident in what they are buying, and feel good about choosing a brand with values. With a high price point it’s important to build trust and confidence with your consumers, something Eileen Fisher has been successful at.

    Every brand has its own story- the key is to make sure your brand is telling theirs. Establishing confidence with your consumers starts with having a system that helps you by provide the best and most engaging product content you have to offer on your direct-to-consumer page. We released the Brand’s Guide to Product Experience Management to get you started.

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    Written by: Clair Aguirre

    Clair Aguirre is a Marketing Co-op at Salsify, who studies marketing and Spanish at Northeastern University.

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