Non-food consumer packaged goods are the biggest drivers of US ecommerce sales across the entire fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) category, according to Nielsen. Amazon has captured a large share of this market over competing online retailers by offering conveniences like ‘Subscribe and Save’ along with same-day order fulfillment on certain classes of items. Our recent benchmark report, The Winning Elements of Amazon Health & Household Pages, analyzes more than 134,000 product pages within the ‘Health & Household’ category live on Amazon. The findings can help you build a strategy that improves conversion and visibility for your product pages on Amazon and beyond.
For products costing $50 or more, description lengths for top-selling health and household products are actually shorter than those of poor-selling products. At those higher price points, brands need to demonstrate quality, and extremely lengthy descriptions may send a bad signal to consumers. Instead, brands should be focusing on bolstering consumer confidence through other elements of the product page, including answered questions.
Top-performing products across price points have between 4.9 and 6.2 images, on average, while poor performing brands have less than 3. Additionally, many top-selling products include one or more photos with in-image text around unique features, giving consumers easily discernible reasons to buy their brand without needing to scroll down the page.
Across price points, top performers use A+ Content much more frequently than poor performing products. Consider outlining unique product benefits below the fold and highlighting positive attributes or your related product line, with photos.
Ultimately, your Amazon product detail page is the chance to represent the full story of every item you sell. Buyers want to understand the purpose, benefits, and why they should buy from your brand, at a glance. By understanding the tactics used by top-performing pages at every price point, you can adjust your own strategy and stand out across the digital shelf.