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    Online Shopping vs. In Store Shopping: Why Are Shoppers Turning to Ecommerce?

    January 25, 2024
    6 minute read
    Online Shopping vs. In Store Shopping: Why Are Shoppers Turning to Ecommerce?

    While modern life seems to offer consumers a newfound efficiency at nearly every turn, many “old world” approaches continue to retain their enduring, crowd-pleasing charm.

    For example, consider the appeal of watching a film by your favorite director at the Cineplex instead of simply streaming it at home. Sure, home viewing affords you all kinds of perks — no need to leave the house, pauses for bathroom breaks, cheap popcorn — but sometimes, it just can’t match the immersive ambiance of a theatrical setting.

    There’s a similar dynamic at play when it comes to online shopping versus in-store shopping. Just as streaming transformed movie-watching habits, online shopping is reshaping retail experiences, blending traditional allure with new-age convenience — should you go to the store or just stay at home?

    This begs the question: What drives consumers to go digital rather than brick-and-mortar?

    The upcoming “2024 Consumer Research” report from Salsify provides actionable insights about these consumer attitudes. The study found that 49% of respondents still prefer a mix of online and in-store shopping — something worthwhile for brands to keep in mind, even as annual global ecommerce sales continue to grow beyond $5 trillion, per eMarketer.

    This post takes a closer look at the reasons shoppers opt for online shopping vs. in store shopping, along with ways brands can leverage these preferences to their advantage.

    Infographic 2 Branded Omnichannel Shopping Salsify Consumer Report

    Source: 2024 Salsify Consumer Research

    The Convenience of Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping

    When it comes to the considerations driving online shopping vs. in store shopping, both convenience and cost stand out on top.

    A significant 65% of respondents cited “convenience” as a factor in their decision to make an online purchase within the past year. However, it’s worth noting that ecommerce channels provide numerous “convenient” benefits beyond the simple comfort of shopping from the couch.

    Forty-four percent of respondents in Salsify’s survey said the ability to make a purchase any time of day influenced a decision to purchase online in the past year. Avoiding crowds was also an important consideration for 36%.

    Finally, the ease of comparing prices, features, and customer reviews was also critical for 29% of customers.

    These findings highlight several opportunities for brands to enhance their ecommerce across channels and ultimately drive more sales. Emphasizing round-the-clock availability, seamless navigation, and informative product information can all be critical strategies in catering to the convenience-loving side of your customers.

    Value and Variety in Ecommerce

    Just as streaming services unlocked a once unthinkably vast library of content, ecommerce has expanded consumer access to an unprecedented array of products and choices. Customers can not only carefully scrutinize their potential purchases but shop around for the lowest price at the click of a button.

    Salsify’s data reinforces the importance of this shift, with 65% of online shoppers identifying cost as a factor in their decision to shop online in the past year. This search for value may not be particularly surprising, given the competitive nature of online marketplaces and promotions. Beyond that, 39% of respondents said they were drawn online by a wider selection of products.

    The takeaway: To attract and retain customers, brands must focus on providing competitive pricing and a diverse range of products. You can also consider offering online-only promotions that can keep customers coming back for more exclusive deals.

    Enhanced Online Shopping Experience

    Another trend in Salsify’s survey? Twenty-six percent of respondents indicated that enhanced content influenced their decision to shop online.

    This suggests that detailed descriptions, high-resolution images, and informative videos can be an effective way to attract customers to digital channels. Customer ratings and reviews were particularly effective forms of enhanced content, moving the needle with 36%.

    While among the lower considerations identified by respondents (with only 9%), it’s worth mentioning that many marketing experts still find value in emphasizing personalized experiences — one McKinsey & Company study found that companies who excel with personalization generate 40% more revenue from these activities than their average counterparts.

    By focusing on rich product content, customer reviews, and personalized recommendations, brands can gain major headway in drawing their customers online.


    A vital but often overlooked element that drives folks to shop online? Privacy.

    While only 9% of respondents said “privacy” considerations led to a decision to shop online in the past year, it can be a critical factor for certain brands and products. Ecommerce empowers consumers to buy items they may feel embarrassed or reluctant to purchase in person, such as health products or personal care items.

    With digital checkout acting as a de facto “judgment-free zone,” shoppers can make their choices in the comfort of their own space, free from the attention of fellow shoppers or store staff.

    If you market in these sorts of spaces, consider tailoring your online experience to these kinds of concerns: neutral packaging, websites with a discreet design that emphasizes discretion, or other reassuring safeguards throughout the purchase journey.

    Nurturing Customers to the Future: Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping

    It’s no secret that, in this digital age, the way we shop is forever evolving. For brands, the future lies in understanding these shifting preferences while innovatively adapting their strategies to accommodate them.

    Offering a seamless, personalized, and secure shopping experience across both platforms is a great way to keep all of your ducks in a row. 
    The retail leaders of tomorrow will be those who recognize the value of listening attentively to their customers and continually innovating. 

    Ecommerce Trends Explained

    Explore Salsify's "2024 Consumer Research" report and accompanying executive explainer for insights on what's driving shoppers online versus in-store.


    Written by: Chris Caesar

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