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    Salsify Joins the New Shopify Plus Certified App Program | Salsify

    April 16, 2020
    3 minute read
    Salsify Joins the New Shopify Plus Certified App Program | Salsify

    With the rise of digitally native vertical brands (DNVBs) and the rapid shift towards direct-to-consumer (D2C) ecommerce in traditional, multi-channel consumer brands, the game has changed in this generation of ecommerce.

    While online retail channels may represent the majority of a given brand manufacturer’s sales, their owned D2C channels often represent their best shot at connecting directly with their consumers and providing exactly the brand experience they intend.

    Consumers now expect to interact directly with brands. Some sectors even attribute 40% of ecommerce sales growth to D2C. Recent circumstances have only accelerated ecommerce adoption, and brand manufacturers have no choice but to respond to win on the digital shelf.

    The New Shopify Plus App Store

    Enter the new Shopify Plus Certified App Program. Some of the fastest-growing, most innovative enterprise brands are turning to Shopify Plus to support their D2C efforts. So, we couldn’t be more excited to announce that Salsify is a launch partner to the Shopify Plus Certified App Program.

    The Shopify Plus Certified App Program ensures customers have easy access to the apps and solutions they need to build and scale enterprise-class D2C sites. The program is only open to Shopify partners that provide enterprise-level product quality, service, performance, privacy, and support.

    Why PXM? Centralize and Activate Content

    Together with Shopify Plus, Salsify product information management (PIM) for D2C represents the most robust, enterprise-focused product experience management (PXM) solution on the market, allowing brand manufacturers to centralize and activate their content across multiple channels, regions, languages, and currencies.

    Using Salsify, Shopify Plus customers can syndicate product content at scale — across their entire product catalog — directly to Shopify sites. Customers can then use Salsify Insights to learn what product content and content experiences are capturing customer interest and compare it to content experiences on other retail sites, facilitating a fully informed and continually improving digital shelf program.

    We’ve seen our customers adopt Shopify Plus at an extraordinary pace — and we’re keeping up. Our 100-plus shared enterprise customers use Salsify and Shopify Plus together to execute complex, global commerce strategies and win on the digital shelf.

    Salsify and Shopify: A Powerful Partnership

    This is the power of Shopify Plus and Salsify together. We’re honored to be among the select few launch partners and are excited to announce more ways that Salsify and Shopify are joining forces to the benefit of our joint customers moving forward.

    Tag(s): Salsify News

    Written by: Salsify

    Salsify drives results for customers worldwide, empowering them to win on the digital shelf.

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