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    Summit Spotlight: How Enhanced Content Engages Customers and Drives Sales

    July 23, 2024
    4 minute read
    Summit Spotlight: How Enhanced Content Engages Customers and Drives Sales

    How much of a difference does enhanced content make to product detail page (PDP) performance? According to ecommerce leaders, quite a lot.

    Meghan O’Keefe, senior manager of digital marketing at Samsonite, explains that using enhanced content helped her team generate incremental revenue of $6 million over 12 months on one PDP.

    Meanwhile, Jessica Thomas, senior manager of product experience at The Legacy Companies, saw an 11% growth in impressions in one quarter after publishing enhanced content to nearly 200 SKUs.

    Together, these stories reveal how launching enhanced content with the right tools and processes can significantly improve PDP performance.

    Using Content That Drives Engagement

    While an enhanced content project may sound like a significant lift, O’Keefe and Thomas found efficiencies by starting with content they already had.

    For Thomas, this meant using A+ Content, initially developed for Amazon.

    “We already built those layouts, we had the content available,” she says. “So we put it into Salsify, and we decided to go ahead and push it out to any retailer that would take it.”

    Similarly, O’Keefe saw opportunities to leverage user-generated content (UGC) and existing brand assets.

    UGC, including reviews and Q&As, often features the information customers most want to know. Samsonite was able to incorporate that content into the top of their below-the-fold experiences.

    “We were meeting the customer where they were at with the content they were looking for the most,” O’Keefe says.

    Meanwhile, leveraging assets from their brand campaigns, they can actually Photoshop in different products.

    “And because those assets are all in Salsify, it makes it really easy to swap them in at campaign beginning and swap them out at campaign end,” she says.

    And reusing brand assets, O’Keefe explains, “forges really great brand loyalty because [customers are] hearing the same story again and again.”

    How Enhanced Content Grows Revenue

    To save time publishing these assets and others, O’Keefe and Thomas found Salsify invaluable.

    “All of our content is already in our [Salsify] PIM [product information management] solution, so it makes it really easy to plug and play,” O’Keefe says. “The retailer specs are also built-in.”

    Salsify's template-driven approach to enhanced content is part of what allowed Thomas to publish nearly 200 SKUs in just three months. Her team was so pleased with their results that they decided to upgrade to premium enhanced content.

    “Salsify does a great job of providing unlimited modules … With the premium enhanced content, you’ve got these really large graphics that are really eye-popping,” Thomas says.

    Those modules delivered noticeable results for Thomas.

    “There was an 11% impression lift just in Q4 alone,” she says. “Of that project, 25% of those 200 SKUs saw a 30% increase month-over-month in revenue.”

    The top-performing SKUs saw a month-over-month revenue increase of more than 200%.

    O’Keefe also noticed a substantial revenue increase from enhanced content.

    “We were actually able to have incremental revenue of $6 million for one SKU over 12 months on one PDP at a retailer,” she says.

    As an added bonus, enhanced content also contributed to lower return rates for Samsonite.

    Harness the Potential of Enhanced Content

    Samsonite and The Legacy Companies’ experiences demonstrate the impact enhanced content can have on conversions, impressions, and more.

    Using a tool like Salsify to help you leverage existing assets, publish content across retailers, and take advantage of existing templates can bring more efficiencies — and greater results — to your enhanced content efforts.


    More Digital Shelf Summit Content

    Discover other insights from the 2024 Digital Shelf Summit, including highlights from Salsify Customer Day and the Digital Shelf Institute Day.


    Written by: Nicole D'Angelo

    Nicole D’Angelo (she/her) is a freelance writer, editor, and content marketer with over eight years of experience creating content for a broad range of industries. Before launching her freelance business, she managed content production for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) brands, including...

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