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    What Are the Benefits of Complete Product Content?

    October 10, 2024
    11 minute read
    What Are the Benefits of Complete Product Content?

    The most important part of ecommerce? It’s a no-brainer: product content. It’s how your shoppers connect with your brand. But it’s not enough to write a couple of sentences about your product and call it a day.

    You need to have complete product content if you want shoppers to have the best possible experience with your brand.

    Understanding the Basics of Product Content

    What do we mean by “complete” product content? Complete product content offers customers all the information they need to make a smart buying decision.

    Responses from the Salsify “2024 Consumer Research” report described rich product content, also called A+ or enhanced product content, as “a full description, including benefits of use, colorful pictures, 360-degree product views to see all sides, and comparisons against similar products.”

    Shoppers want to see the product in action and read reviews from previous buyers.

    Here’s a closer look at what product content includes and why it matters:

    • Detailed descriptions: Descriptions should cover everything, including how the product works, its specifications, and its benefits. If you're selling a kitchen gadget, for example, explain how it can save time or make cooking easier. 
    • Engaging visuals: High-quality pictures allow customers to see the product clearly. Colorful images can catch the eye and make the product more appealing. Offering 360-degree product views lets shoppers see all sides of the product, which can help them feel more confident in their purchasing decisions.
    • Videos in action: Instead of just showing slideshows of images, include a video that demonstrates the product in action to truly engage shoppers. If you’re selling a blender, for instance, add a video showing someone using it to make a smoothie to highlight its core features.
    • Design comparisons: Customers often want to know how a product stacks up against similar items. Providing comparisons helps them understand what makes your product unique. Highlighting design features, materials used, and any special technology can set your product apart from competitors.
    • Customer reviews: Shoppers love reading about other people's experiences with a product. Positive reviews build trust and can influence buying decisions. Sharing how users value your brand can also create a sense of community and loyalty among customers.

    Why Complete Product Content Optimization Is Important 

    According to the consumer report, 29% of shoppers would rather shop online than in a brick-and-mortar store, with Gen Xers having a particular preference for online shopping — and not just for convenience.

    These shoppers want additional product information to support their decision-making process — something that isn’t always available in-store. 

    And here’s the kicker: According to the consumer report, 54% of shoppers have even used their smartphone to find out more about a product while in a brick-and-mortar store. To say product content optimization is an integral part of the shopping experience is a major understatement. 

    Here’s why it’s so critical.

    Improved Conversion Rates

    When you give shoppers everything they need to know — great descriptions, lots of photos, videos of the product in use, and real customer feedback — you're making it easier for them to say "yes" to buying.

    You're answering their questions before they even ask them. And when shoppers feel informed and confident, they're much more likely to hit that "buy now" button.

    According to the consumer research, nearly a third of shoppers spend 30 minutes to an hour researching before they buy, but some spend even more time mulling things over. This is where product content optimization can come in handy — if someone has objections and hesitations, your complete product content can ease those concerns and nudge them toward the purchase. 

    Reduced Product Returns

    Buying online is never going to have the same impact as shopping in-store — you can’t see or feel a product you’re about to purchase, which can lead to disappointment. Product content can help shoppers get a more comprehensive view of what a product will look like in person.

    But it has to be on point if it’s going to work: 45% of shoppers have returned an item due to incorrect product data, according to the consumer report, whether that’s wrong dimensions or photos that aren’t a true representation of the product’s color.

    The consumer report also found that product images and descriptions are “extremely” or “very” important to 78% of shoppers, which shows just how crucial it is to deliver engaging product content experiences. This extends to customer ratings and reviews, as 72% of shoppers actively seek out previous buyer experiences to confirm they’re making the right decision.

    Enhanced SEO and Product Discoverability

    Most shoppers start their product search on Google (49%) or a marketplace like Amazon (47%), according to the consumer report. This creates massive competition for brands that are trying to stand out among thousands of other results. Detailed, accurate product content can help you get the click-throughs you need.

    When your product content explains exactly what the product is and does, using relevant keywords to increase visibility, you have more of a chance of showing up earlier in the search results — an important point, considering only 25% of shoppers will continue searching up to page five of the results.

    Increased Brand Trust

    About a third (34%) of shoppers will go for the pricier option if they think it’s better quality, according to the consumer report — but it’s not just about the product itself. A good chunk of people are also swayed by what other customers say (18%) and how much they trust the brand (17%). 

    Now, getting someone to buy once is great, but you really want them to keep coming back. But what drives repeat purchases? Nearly three-quarters (73%) of shoppers say product quality is crucial for their loyalty, while 49% say positive experiences are key.

    When you provide detailed, honest information about your products, you’re showing customers that you value quality and transparency. You’re not just trying to make a quick sale; you’re helping them make an informed decision. 

    Better Customer Engagement

    When you provide complete product content, you’re not just giving customers information. You’re inviting them to engage with your brand. 

    Shoppers love to explore and learn about products before they buy. By offering detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and videos, you create an interactive experience that keeps customers interested. Rather than just skimming through a page, they can dive deep into what makes your product special. This kind of engagement helps them feel more connected to your brand and more confident in their purchasing decisions.

    Plus, when customers see user-generated content (UGC) like reviews and photos from other buyers, they feel part of a community and part of a larger conversation about the product. This social proof encourages them to share their own experiences, ask questions, and even recommend your products to friends. The more engaged customers are, the more likely they are to return for future purchases.

    Beyond Basic Descriptions: Crafting Product Content That Sells

    Think of product content as the heartbeat of your online store. It’s not just about listing a few details here and there. It’s about creating a rich, engaging experience that helps shoppers connect with your brand. 

    When you provide complete product content — detailed descriptions, eye-catching images, videos, and real customer reviews — you empower customers to make informed decisions. This boosts their confidence and leads to higher conversion rates and lower return rates. 

    By focusing on complete, high-quality product content, you build trust and loyalty with your customers. They’re more likely to return for future purchases and share their positive experiences with others.


    Salsify's Contribution to the DCI Index

    Read the report to learn how Salsify contributed to the Digital Commerce Intelligence Index ('DCI Index'), an independent ranking of the world’s largest global brand manufacturers, based on a quantitative evaluation of critical digital commerce metrics.


    Written by: Lizzie Davey

    Lizzie Davey (she/her) is a freelance writer and content strategist for ecommerce software brands. Her specialty is combining customer research with actionable copy to create pieces that people actually want to read. Over the past 10 years, she's worked with top industry brands to bring their vision to life and build...

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    Salsify's Contribution to the DCI Index Read the report to learn how Salsify contributed to the Digital Commerce Intelligence Index ('DCI Index'), an independent ranking of the world’s largest global brand manufacturers, based on a quantitative evaluation of critical digital commerce metrics. READ THE REPORT