
    Amazon Advertising Analytics

    Amazon advertising analytics are data and insights on product advertising initiatives that Amazon provides marketplace sellers to help them optimize their promotional efforts.

    What Are Amazon Advertising Analytics?

    Amazon sellers get access to both on- and off-Amazon advertising options, enabling them to guide consumer traffic from other channels and in-app search queries to their product pages. The marketplace behemoth uses Amazon advertising analytics to collect data and aggregate data on these efforts to help sellers optimize their strategies.

    Amazon advertising analytics comprises a number of data points, including ad clicks, product detail page views, direct sales from ads, and cart-adds from ad clicks. With this information, sellers can get an accurate view of how their ads are performing on- and off-Amazon. They also gain a bird’s-eye view of their consumers’ shopping journeys, including which ads are or aren’t driving customers along.

    The marketplace also provides campaign-based advertising analytics that gives sellers details on conversion metrics within each of their campaigns. 

    Ultimately, Amazon advertising analytics help sellers transform their businesses into full-scale brands with successful, consumer-aligned marketing strategies.

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