
    Brand Essence

    Brand essence is the core characteristics of a brand, including its values, personality, and story.

    What Is Brand Essence?

    Different elements — including logos, visuals, imagery, and other assets — all comprise a business’s branding. But the essence of a brand refers to the core foundation that shapes who the brand is. If done successfully, brand assets will convey a brand essence to existing and potential consumers to drive awareness and retention.

    A brand essence can often be distilled into a two- to three-word statement, which sets the tone for all other marketing and sales efforts that are derived from it. To resonate effectively with employees and consumers, the brand essence needs to be authentic to the brand and describe more than what it sells; it should describe the values behind what it sells and why. 

    Internally, a strong brand essence gives employees a sense of connection to their work and leaders an anchor upon which they can make decisions. Externally, it helps consumers develop confidence in their purchases.

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