Customer Data Enrichment

    Customer data enrichment is the process of enhancing data about shoppers' behaviors or interests with new, more accurate, or more timely information.

    What Is Customer Data Enrichment?

    To personalize shopping experiences, brands must first understand exactly what their customers need and want, as well as how they currently engage with the brand. Customer data enrichment is the process of improving data quality by providing updates or filling in gaps. Brands typically collect data on: - Customer behavior, such as how shoppers engage with a brand's marketing assets or what kind of products they typically buy. - Customer demographics, such as their age, gender, race, or geographical location. - Customer needs and interests, such as related items they might want based on past purchases. Rather than — or in addition to — gathering new data about these details, brands often engage in customer data. enrichment by identifying missing insights that could prove useful in marketing initiatives. Doing so enables brands to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and better tailor their customer engagement initiatives to their shoppers' needs.

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