
    Customer Reviews

    Customer reviews are written statements that consumers post online or share in person that express their opinions and feedback on their engagement with a brand and its products.

    What Are Customer Reviews?

    In an ecommerce landscape highly saturated with brands, products, and marketing materials, today’s consumers increasingly look to recommendations from trusted sources to find and purchase products. Because of this dynamic, positive customer reviews are critical to a modern ecommerce business’s success.

    Many brands specifically solicit reviews from customers by sending emails, forms, or pop-ups directly after the customer makes a purchase.

    These follow-up communications — especially when automated — can be easy, effective ways of garnering honest reviews. Other brands create simple pathways from their point-of-sale (POS) systems that make it easy for consumers to write product reviews.

    Successful businesses not only solicit customer reviews, but also respond quickly to them — even the negative ones. Engaging with customer feedback shows that the business is willing to listen to and act on customers’ needs, wants, and opinions. Doing so can help build and strengthen customer loyalty.

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