Event-Driven Shopping

    Event-driven shopping is the process of making purchases within an ecommerce architecture that responds to real-time events, such as a customer adding an item to a shopping cart or completing a purchase.

    What Is Event-Driven Shopping?

    Event-driven architecture is the foundation for event-driven shopping. As opposed to traditional ecommerce operations, event-driven architecture responds in real time to specific commerce-related events or activities. When a consumer makes a purchase in the traditional model, for example, they'd need to wait for their order to be manually processed, organized, and fulfilled. In an event-driven shopping scenario, on the other hand, the shopper's order would trigger the system to automatically process and fulfill their order. In this way, event-driven shopping requires little — if any — manual intervention and saves considerable time on the order fulfillment process. It also collects data throughout the process, giving brands and retailers insights into shoppers' buying behaviors.

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