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    Headless Content Management System (CMS)

    A headless content management system (CMS) is a back-end tool that enables brands to manage and store content without it being public-facing.

    What Is a Headless Content Management System (CMS)?

    In system architecture, the public-facing presentation of content online is often called the "head," while the "body" is the various data that supports that presentation.

    A headless content management system (CMS), therefore, only includes the back-end data and doesn't provide any public-facing presentations. It's a content storage repository that enables brands and retailers to manage and adjust content like imagery, videos, text descriptions and more without having to worry about the end user experience.

    In ecommerce, a brand or retailer will often use a headless content management system (CMS) to manage product catalogs, inventory, or financial data — all things that don't require front-end usability.

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