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    Store Loyalty

    Store loyalty refers to a customer’s loyalty to a particular store within a brand’s family of stores.

    What Is Store Loyalty?

    Parent brands typically have multiple stores within a given location, each simultaneously representing the brand and its individual character. Store loyalty is when a customer prefers one particular store location over all others. When a customer is loyal to one brand store, they’ll shop there frequently and, sometimes, encourage others to do the same.

    Store loyalty is similar to brand loyalty, but with a few critical differences. Brand loyalty occurs when customers prefer one brand within a product category over others. Store loyalty is when customers prefer one store within the brand family. 

    Both encourage repeat business and brand trust, but store loyalty can often build stronger engagement because customers are able to better connect with individual humans at their favorite stores. Providing excellent, human-centric customer service; promoting store loyalty programs; and representing the character of an individual store can help build store loyalty.

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