Trend Forecasting

    Trend forecasting is the process of using customer, competitor, and market data to predict shoppers' future behaviors or preferences.

    What Is Trend Forecasting?

    Trend forecasting is critical to keeping pace with a rapidly shifting ecommerce market. Trends occur on both cyclical timelines (such as recurring holidays or the back-to-school time frame) and seemingly at random (such as a new product unexpectedly going viral). Trend forecasting relies on accurate and timely data.

    As such, brands typically evaluate:

    • Historical trend data to identify recurring customer needs
    • Cultural shifts that could influence new trends
    • Customer shopping data, including their purchasing behaviors and habits
    By accessing, analyzing, and finding patterns among this data, brands can more accurately predict upcoming customer demand and needs. With those predictions, they can better manage their inventory, create targeted marketing strategies, and stay at the forefront of consumer and market trends to win more business.

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