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    Unique Buying Proposition (UBP)

    A unique buying proposition (UBP) refers to what consumers want and need to know about a product from brand marketers.

    What Is a Unique Buying Proposition (UBP)?

    Some time ago, many businesses used a unique selling proposition (USP) to market products to customers by showcasing important features and benefits. As commerce has shifted to a consumer-centric market, today’s successful businesses use the unique buying proposition (UBP), which refers to what consumers want to hear from marketers.

    To market a product’s unique business proposition (UBP), brands must first understand what consumers actually want and need to know about the product. Most businesses conduct extensive consumer research — via surveys, focus groups, purchasing data analysis and more — to better understand their consumer base.

    The UBP represents a larger evolution of the commerce landscape to move toward customer desires rather than brand needs. By putting UBP at the center of their marketing initiatives, brands are emphasizing the need to connect with customers in the ways they prefer to build trust and loyalty.

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