
    Onboard. Validate. Automate.

    Deliver the best possible product experiences with product experience management (PXM) for retailers, a strategy and solution that help you get better data from your suppliers and navigate market complexity with automation.

    Learn how Salsify for Retailers helps retailers deliver winning product experiences.

    Omnichannel Is the New Normal

    To succeed on the physical shelf, you need digital shelf excellence.

    Shoppers rely on the product information they find across the digital shelf to make purchasing decisions. Today’s shopping journey includes a whole series of interconnected touch points consumers use to discover, research, and buy products.



    Source: Forrester

    Shoppers expect information, choice, and efficiency from their favorite retailers. To meet — and exceed — their expectations, you need to provide convenience, value, data accuracy, and engaging product experiences at every touch point.

    Retailers must source and manage vast amounts of data to deliver the best product experience and overcome challenges of the evolving commerce landscape, such as:

    • More volume: More SKUs and digital touch points mean you need more product content.
    • More variety: Additional attributes, new product regulations, and assortment changes drive the data complexity you have to manage.
    • More volatility: The content requirements for each category you merchandise change constantly.

    Creating Winning Product Experiences Generates Business Value

    Salsify PXM Improve Efficiency

    Improve Efficiency

    The faster you can source premium content from your suppliers to create winning product experiences, the sooner you drive revenue and outpace competitors.

    Implementing PXM for retailers ensures a straight path for digital shelf content from your suppliers to your merchandisers — without the friction.

    Salsify PXM Drive Growth

    Drive Growth

    Digital shelf sales growth comes from increasingly effective product experiences. Product pages with enhanced content increase conversion by 15% on average, according to Salsify internal customer data.

    The connective tissue of global commerce is a network that enables every retailer and supplier to exchange requirements and update product information at scale and speed.

    Without the right PXM strategy to drive that collaboration, you and your consumers will be left behind.

    Salsify PXM Digital Leader

    Achieve Digital Shelf Leadership

    Equip your teams with the right processes and technology to advance their ability to continuously deliver impactful digital brand experiences to your consumers.

    Adopt a PXM strategy to gain an essential foundation for building brand loyalty and gaining a competitive advantage in your market.

    Onboard, Validate, and Automate With PXM for Retailers

    To manage and deliver the product experiences that today’s shoppers demand, you must adopt a product experience management (PXM) strategy.

    • Onboard all product content, including operational data and merchandising content, by working directly with your suppliers.
    • Validate the content collected against each of your product category and channel requirements, so shoppers have an accurate and consistent brand experience.
    • Automate data collection and feedback processes for efficiency and better supplier relationships.

    According to a Gartner®️ report,
    "Delivering an outstanding customer experience is dependent on having a compelling product experience by providing consistent contextual product information to all customer touchpoints across all channels. PXM delivers product information in context to any channel for the best product experience for the customer and ultimately gets products to market faster with great conversion rates."

    Source: Gartner, “Market Guide for Product Information Management Solutions,” Helen Grimster, 20 September 2022 
    GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

    PXM Works Best Alongside an Open, Automated Approach to Supplier Management

    Exchanging spreadsheets of data over email is not an effective, scalable way to manage the vast amounts of product information your business requires. An automated approach allows retailers to gain efficiency, grow sales, and take a leadership position on the digital shelf.

    Get Better Data From Your Suppliers

    Ensure suppliers upload content that matches your requirements. An automated approach should enable you to share target schema and apply validation rules during the onboarding process.

    Join an Open Ecosystem

    Remove barriers and reduce the cost of getting quality product content. An automated approach should provide a variety of ways for brands to syndicate content to retailers so that you can source the most relevant, up-to-date descriptions and images fast.

    Automate To Manage Complexity

    Winning on the digital shelf requires coordination across your team and your network of suppliers. Ensure any PXM solution includes tightly integrated, collaborative workflows to enable efficiency and transparency for every stakeholder.

    Deliver the Best Product Experience With Salsify

    Salsify Icon Onboard Product Content

    Onboard Your Product Content

    Bring together all the content you need to build winning product experiences, no matter where it lives.

    Salsify Icon Validate Data

    Validate Supplier Data

    Ensure up-to-date product data is always available to your customers. Guarantee consistent omnichannel product experiences.

    Salsify Icon Automate Processes

    Automate Processes Needed To Win on the Digital Shelf

    Process automation can help you increase efficiency on validations and appropriate more time for you to focus on critical issues.