
    Feizy Rugs Weaves a Tighter Ecommerce Strategy With Salsify

    The rug manufacturer recovered from a failed product information management (PIM) solution implementation to save time and improve efficiency.

    About Feizy

    Established in 1973 and headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Feizy is an award-winning rug manufacturer with an extensive global clientele and an impressive collection of one-of-a-kind, handmade, and machine-made rugs.

    Failed PIM Implementation Sparked Re-Evaluation

    Feizy faced a significant challenge: Since signing a long-term Salsify vendor contract, eight years had passed without a successful implementation.

    In 2022, Cameron Allison became Feizy’s vice president (VP) of ecommerce and digital. His mission was to grow the business and improve the company’s ecommerce practices.

    Allison had more than eight years of experience at several other rug retailers, including Overstock. and he wanted to replace Feizy’s Salsify PIM solution with a previously used system.

    However, Feizy still faced the challenge of having no centralized source of truth for product data and multiple retailers to syndicate to  — but the company would also have to pay the cost of breaking the contract with a platform they had never effectively used.

    “One of the foundational elements of ecommerce — obviously — is having a strong PIM and DAM. A lot of the business problems came from bad data. It was just a problem from the onset.”

    — Cameron Allison, VP of Ecommerce, Feizy

    A 90-Day Chance To Change

    Rather than let the Feizy team pay for the contract to expire, Natalie Livingston, senior customer success manager at Salsify, and Ryan Harris, account executive at Salsify, worked with the company to learn more about their pain points and desired success.

    The Salsify team asked for a 90-day window to work closely with the team and prove that Salsify could deliver the initially promised value.

    Feizy didn’t have a dedicated Salsify administrator before 2022. Without a point person, they struggled to finish implementation, upload data consistently to the platform, and update product lines across different pricing tiers. 

    Kemal Berek, ecommerce operations specialist at Feizy, took on the role of owning Salsify and managing the data cleanup.

    Berek eliminated all outdated, bad data in Salsify and implemented governance, data permissions, and system flows. 

    With Berek’s technical expertise and Salsify’s flexible data modeling, the Feizy group established a centralized source of truth for the product information and digital assets for 20,000 products in less than 60 days.

    This approach included two data standardization scrapes — a significant undertaking.

    Save Time With Improved Processes and Data  

    On day two of the 90-day window, Berek diagnosed a major issue in the original team’s data input into Salsify. 

    “Instead of mapping columns to a channel, they just kept adding columns. Wayfair had its own columns, and Overstock's columns,” Allison explains.

    This issue created unnecessary duplication and meant the team had never benefited from Salsify’s channel mapping. 

    Berek helped undo the unnecessary columns, collected the required information for each customer, and wrote new mapping formulas. He ensured the right attributes were set up by creating various scrapes of the existing 20,000 SKUs.

    With this streamlined process and better data in place, Feizy went live on Amazon, Wayfair, Overstock, and Houzz.

    “A SKU build for Wayfair that normally required six hours was done in less than 20 minutes with Salsify once the new data mapping was in place,” Allison says.

    Additional teammates were inspired to become platform power users after seeing the success rate of these improvements.

    Theresa Jannsen, ecommerce content manager at Feizy, joined the effort to help scale the process and set up channel mappings.

    Feizy is now live with 47 channels. 

    Achieve Success With the Right Tools and Support 

    Allison equates the success of his team’s re-implementation of Salsify to four important threads: 

    1. Assign a dedicated technical Salsify administrator.
    2. Build a strong data validation and channel mapping strategy.
    3. Ensure demonstrable value and time savings.
    4. Get customer support from Salsify.

    “We have seen similar results with every retailer as we did with Wayfair,” says Allison. “Another benefit is we have nearly perfect error-free uploads as a result. Troubleshooting upload errors have been eliminated with the investment in perfectly executed channel mapping.”

    Allison says another important element of the team’s success is Salsify customer success manager Livingston. “We may not always like what we hear, but being able to have a person like Natalie on the other end to discuss projects with or get ideas from has been incredibly valuable.”

    “We have a safe place for our digital assets and product data that is well organized. There's a lot of data in our business — and a lot of unorganized data — and Salsify brings organization to the chaos. It also prevents us from giving bad data out or incomplete data out.”

    Cameron Allison, VP of Ecommerce, Feizy

    Service Smaller Ecommerce Customers in a Matter of Minutes

    With all the data in place for large priority retailers, the ecommerce team serviced 36 additional hybrid ecommerce customer accounts. 

    These regional brick-and-mortar stores and smaller ecommerce customers were initially supported manually by an additional resource. 

    With updated product information, the team can now provide the field with what they need in five minutes instead of days.

    “We've done everything from automatic SKU setups, inbound to outbound connections to a new website. We have tied in some pretty significant connections that are working,” says Allison. 

    Allison’s team found additional ways to save more time with Salsify and reduce their number of systems by improving their ability to find Wayfair SKUs with dedicated fields for SKUs and links and integrating pricing data from their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system into Salsify.

    “Because of the automated connections, pricing comes right from our ERP, so there's the source of truth feeding the system that's helping us give product data out to the world. So we know very quickly if we have a problem, and that wasn't possible before Salsify,” says Allison.

    Support Retailers and Marketplaces With Inventory Management

    Feizy began using Salsify for orders and inventory management for Target. They plan to scale and open up other new channels, as well as test the Walmart marketplace and eBay.

    “Salsify creates speed and simplicity. We've got one place we can grab orders from. Now we can just scale that,” Allison says. 

    By streamlining product information and digital assets, and the process required to manage them, the ecommerce team can think about its channel prioritization strategy. 

    Feizy has now built out a process to launch new SKUs at the right time when inventory is in place so that a new arrival boost can benefit orders instead of frustrating customers.

    “I've worked a lot of places, and after having the experiences that I've had, the one thing I've learned is how important foundational ecommerce, a good PIM and DAM [digital asset management], is,” says Allison.

    “The reality is that the ecommerce game is getting harder. It's harder to stand out. You can't just buy your way to the top. Product data is the most important aspect of our job. We are stewards of the company's digital assets that are priceless,” he adds.

    “I went from not being a believer to being a big believer in Salsify. I would've never dreamt up the speed that we got. I knew it was going to make it faster, but when we started testing and retesting, and you're talking minutes. We're now so fast at uploading problem-free data.”

    Cameron Allison, VP of Ecommerce, Feizy

    “One of the foundational elements of ecommerce — obviously — is having a strong PIM and DAM. A lot of the business problems came from bad data. It was just a problem from the onset.”

    — Cameron Allison, VP of Ecommerce, Feizy

    “We have a safe place for our digital assets and product data that is well organized. There's a lot of data in our business — and a lot of unorganized data — and Salsify brings organization to the chaos. It also prevents us from giving bad data out or incomplete data out.”

    Cameron Allison, VP of Ecommerce, Feizy

    “I went from not being a believer to being a big believer in Salsify. I would've never dreamt up the speed that we got. I knew it was going to make it faster, but when we started testing and retesting, and you're talking minutes. We're now so fast at uploading problem-free data.”

    Cameron Allison, VP of Ecommerce, Feizy

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    Salsify is your foundation for digital shelf success, empowering you with the tools needed to win.

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