
    How METRO France Handled Increased Product Data Volume

    French catering wholesaler METRO France transforms how it collects and oversees the quality of its product data.

    About METRO France

    METRO France is the leading independent catering wholesaler in France, with 99 wholesale stores spread across the country. The company has more than 400,000 customers consisting of restaurant owners and independent traders who can either make on-site purchases or have their purchases delivered.METRO France’s offerings combine food products with related equipment and services. METRO France offers the widest selection in the market daily.


    The Challenge

    METRO France works with more than 4,000 suppliers of various sizes handling almost 50,000 SKUs — about 10,000 of which are local or regional products. It also has more than 150,000 SKUs on its website, with more than 7,000 products available for delivery.

    Between the number of its suppliers and SKUs, METRO France understood that it must be equipped to manage and optimize product data quality properly. However, this process was complex, as it involves collaboration between its internal departments and those of its suppliers.

    Many of the steps required to oversee product data were manual and time-consuming — forcing teams to spend a significant amount of time gathering missing product information.

    For example, European regulations require brands to share specific information about food products, called INCO data in France, including information about ingredients, nutrition, and other details. If INCO data is missing, a product page can’t be published. Missing data like this — everything from product imagery to corporate social responsibility (CSR) data — can hurt sales, as shoppers need this information to make informed purchasing decisions. Missing internal data, including sales, marketing, and supply chain data, can also impact internal teams.

    This need for complete and accurate product data gave METRO France a significant amount of work to ensure consistency across the digital shelf and between its teams.

    The Solution

    Salsify Supports Efficient Information Exchange

    With Salsify, METRO France can now facilitate the flow of information between internal and external teams, helping each department take ownership of product information. METRO France empowers its suppliers, making go-to-market tasks easier — a huge benefit for suppliers with fewer resources and capabilities.

    Salsify Supports Product Data Collection at Scale

    In a world of constantly changing regulations — and with the volume of its product data increasing by 56% each year — METRO France can now gather more internal and external data. The company can expand its product content while maintaining the long-term quality of this data.

    Salsify helps METRO France manage the exponential growth of its product data by optimizing its update and collection processes. This change helps reduce the risk of penalties for regulatory non-compliance.

    “Salsify helps us meet product data collection and long-term quality challenges for all categories of food and non-food products.”

    — Emmanuelle Romestaing, Product Pricing and Referencing Director, METRO France

    The Results

    METRO France Tailors Its Data Model to Different Product Categories

    Using Salsify allows METRO France to effectively manage the large-scale increase in data volume. Data collection includes all product types, which presents its own quality challenges. Salsify constructs a bespoke data model in response to customer expectations and internal challenges — from hazardous product storage data to kitchen equipment features.

    METRO France has also used data collection to raise awareness among its various contributors and stakeholders. It supports brand manufacturers and suppliers with these processes that are integral to the broader digital transformation.

    METRO France Teams Focus on Relations Between Brand Manufacturers and Suppliers

    The METRO France teams now spend much less time on data input, which means they can focus on value-added tasks. Currently, the teams provide support for suppliers, with roles increasingly centered on supplier relations.

    Team members are happier, as they can request functionalities and changes from Salsify that meet their needs.
    The organization has become more agile, with priority given to the most strategic aspects, including digital data, regulatory data, CSR, and other information. METRO France can quickly identify priority information and maximize data quality.

    It can also decide to step up or anticipate the application of a regulation, check that its online listings have the proper photos, or expand its product content. The range is managed and optimized via the outstanding quality of product data — an efficiency that significantly improves the customer experience.

    Request a Demo to See Salsify In Action

    Salsify is your foundation for digital shelf success, empowering you with the tools needed to win.