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    2023 Consumer Research Report

    Post-Pandemic, New Recession: Global Guide to Consumers

    During the pandemic, consumers grew accustomed to the convenience of online shopping and same-day delivery — even while facing limited product availability. Today, as prices rise, their service expectations remain the same, but they’re coupled with new scrutiny for the value of brand-name products.

    Salsify surveyed more than 6,000 consumers around the world to help you understand which product page elements and channels to prioritize to stay profitable and grow your business this year.

    It’s a crucial time to demonstrate product quality online.

    Download the global consumer research report to learn how customers research brands and their products and why the digital experience is a major factor in building customer loyalty.

    Download the 2023 consumer research report to learn how to:

    • Plan stronger product experiences for the modern shopping journey;
    • Assess which digital screens will matter most in 2023; and
    • Grow sales and loyalty with appealing product content.


    2024 Consumer Research Report: The Modern Buying Journey See Salsify's latest report to get insights into the latest trends and consumer behaviors. DOWNLOAD