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    2024 Consumer Research

    The Modern Buying Journey
    Explore our consumer research to discover how consumers move through the modern buying journey, how shopping habits have evolved, and the latest trends to help you stay ahead of the competition and find success on the digital shelf.

    The Modern Shopping Journey Makes Many Pit Stops

    Shoppers Expect You To Meet Them Every Step of the Way

    Today’s consumers are on their own version of the Odyssey. Unlike Odysseus, they don’t have to face spiteful gods and terrifying monsters to reach their (shopping) destiny.

    But that doesn’t mean their journey is simple. It’s often nonlinear and omnichannel — and they expect you to meet them at every touch point. 

    Salsify’s “2024 Consumer Research” report breaks out the shopping journey of 2,700 respondents in the U.S. and U.K., with insights into the awareness, consideration, and decision stages, as well as an exploration of the hottest 2024 consumer trends. 

    Brands need to stay on top of these trends and meet shoppers where they are, or they’ll lose them to the competition. 

    Don’t be like Odysseus and take the hard way home. Instead, lean into these insights to learn how to navigate the modern shopping journey with ease. Shoppers will thank you for it.

    Deliver a Seamless Omnichannel Experience To Appease the ‘Goldilocks’ Shopper

    Create a ‘Just Right’ Concoction of Online and In-Store Experiences

    The Salsify “2024 Consumer Research” report puts each stage of the buying journey under a magnifying glass, revealing that consumers have a wealth of product discovery and purchasing options.

    With so many options available to them, why would they settle for less?

    Much like Goldilocks of fairy tale fame, shoppers want an experience that’s “just right.” For almost half of them (49%), this means a perfect mix of online and in-store shopping.

    More specifically, Salsify’s consumer data reveals that 46% of baby boomers, 47% of Gen Xers, 51% of Gen Zers, and 53% of millennials prefer to shop both online and in store.

    The modern buying journey brings these consumers on an intricate path with three main stages: awareness, consideration, and decision.

    Do you have a Goldilocks strategy in place to meet these customers in the middle? If you want to keep your customers happy, you must be equipped to deliver seamless shopping experiences across channels.

    Download Salsify's report to get insights into the latest trends and consumer behaviors.


    How To Gain Clicks and Conversions

    Consumer attention is a hot commodity. Ensure you’re catching shoppers’ eyes by implementing these elements in your product pages.

    Omnichannel Experiences Are the Way to Consumers’ Hearts

    Customers demand seamless omnichannel experiences across channels. To win their business, you need to meet them at every touch point along their buying journey on the digital and physical shelves.

    Shoppers Will Abandon Their Carts if They Don’t Trust You

    Every generation — from Gen Z to baby boomers — will abandon their carts if they feel a lack of brand trust. Explore the many ways to establish this trust with shoppers.

    Social Shopping Is on the Rise

    Social media platforms are becoming an essential part of commerce. Discover how to meet shoppers wherever they come across your brand and ensure you deliver engaging experiences.


    Download the 2024 Consumer Research Report

    Don’t Let the Fear of Not Getting It Right Hold You Back

    Adjusting your strategy to meet the modern shopper’s needs and tastes is not only smart — it’s crucial. By staying on top of the latest trends and consumer behaviors, you’re ensuring that you won’t be left behind.

    Download Salsify’s “2024 Consumer Research” report for insights into the three essential parts of the modern buying journey, a rundown of the hottest consumer trends, and tips on how you can meet customers where they are.

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