
    Open Catalog:
    At the Whiteboard Series

    Retailers and brands must have a free, open, and scalable way to share accurate and complete product data

    “I'm here with a little bit of a gripe today, and that is that the quality of data online for grocery is terrible.”

    Salsify’s co-founder and CMO Rob Gonzalez is back at the whiteboard to discuss his gripe, and what Salsify and some key industry partners are doing about through the Salsify Open Catalog.

    Ensuring that every product detail page (PDP) has the accurate, complete, and optimized baseline product content it needs to go live should be table stakes on today’s digital shelf. But there are still technological and stale industry practices like walled gardens that stand in the way.

    In this At the Whiteboard video, Rob dives into the barriers, why removing them is so vital to consumer safety as well as commerce success. He also introduces the Salsify Open Catalog, a free, open, and scalable way for suppliers to share accurate and complete product data.