
    Salsify PXM Advance Solutions Definitions and Entitlement Guide

    Version 2024 v1.2 made available October 1, 2024

    The following definitions and entitlements shall apply if, and to the extent, licensed by Customer on an Order Form:

    PXM Advance Platform

    Salsify’s PXM Advance Platform (the Platform) provides the Customer with the baseline level of product data management and retailer activation capabilities. The PXM Advance Platform serves as the foundation on which all other Salsify solutions are built.

    PXM Advance Platform: Enterprise Edition

    Salsify's PXM Advance Platform: Enterprise Edition includes these key capabilities and entitlements:

    • Record and Digital Asset management
      • Import, export, storage, and display of product records and digital assets
    • Search & filter
      • Find products and assets through free text search and complex search filters using any combination of properties, including filtering by values in computed properties, support for fuzzy matching, range filters, and more
    • Content validation via structured rules
      • Structured control over content validation, data management, and governance processes facilitates the creation of a “system of record” and content management at larger scale
    • Taxonomy creation and management
      • Ability to create taxonomies and associate validation rules to taxonomy nodes
    • Multilingual product content with up to 7 locales
      • Content management, filters, workflows, and validation rules operate on multilingual content
    • Hierarchical data modeling with up to 5 levels of inheritance
      • Ability to inherit property values through levels of the hierarchy
    • Workflows
      • Orchestrate content-based flows across users and teams
      • Dynamic task assignment
      • Editing, commenting, user tagging, reverting, and approving draft states of content 
    • Channels
      • Export product content and digital assets to various destinations and in various formats
        Configurable schedules and notifications
    • Retailer activation network
      • Publish above-the-fold content to channel endpoints such as retailers and marketplaces
      • Transform and validate content to meet retailer-specific requirements
      • Send content via the appropriate path for a given destination, including: spreadsheet exports, CSV exports, API export, direct connections, FTP delivery, and more
      • Publish content to the Salsify Open Catalog, a standardized product content data pool that any retailer can pull data from
    • Digital shelf reporting
      • Brand Compliance reporting that cross-references content live on retailer Product Detail Pages (PDPs) against the source-of-truth product content stored in Salsify to help ensure accuracy and compliance
      • Product Page reporting grades content live on retailer PDPs against various discovery- and conversion-driving metrics
    • API access
      • Access to Salsify’s RESTful APIs for automation, integration and application development
    • Security
      • User and group permissions enabling administrators to control which platform features are available to which users and groups
      • Entity permissions enabling more granular control of access to specific channels, product lists, and other entities
      • Dynamic permission policies that restrict users' access to specific locales and to products and assets based on the values of specific properties; up to 3 policies
    • Administration
      • User administration / management console
      • Single Sign-On (SSO) to support integration with any SAML 2.0 compliant enterprise directory system
      • Configurable reporting on product update and publish activity
      • PXM App Center to discover Salsify- and partner-developed applications to enhance Salsify PXM Advance Platform capabilities
    • Entitlements
      • 1 Production Instance
      • Up to 100,000 Records
      • Up to 500GB in Asset Storage
      • Up to 500GB in Asset Bandwidth per month
      • Up to 7,500 Unique URLs Crawled for digital shelf reporting
      • Up to 500,000 API Calls per month
      • Up to 25,000 Workflow Automated Tasks per month
      • Up to 1,000 Exports per month
      • Up to 3 Dynamic Permission Policies

    PXM Advance Add-ons

    Enhanced Content

    Solution for building and publishing enhanced content layouts to digital shelf endpoints. Enhanced content is also referred to as below-the-fold content, A+ content, or rich media.

    • Use the Salsify Enhanced Content Experience Builder to customize content layouts or leverage prebuilt templates to publish content to the Salsify Enhanced Content retailer network 
    • Use multimedia elements such as video, image galleries, comparison charts, feature tours, and more to showcase product features and create more engaging product experiences
    • Entitlements
      • Enhanced Content: Starter entitles a Customer to publish Enhanced Content to up to 5 Enhanced Content Destinations
      • Enhanced Content: Unlimited entitles a Customer to publish Enhanced Content to an unlimited number of Enhanced Content Destinations

    An Enhanced Content destination is a distinct shopper destination (as defined by a unique domain name) that is the target of below-the-fold enhanced content publication.


    Solution for managing logistics and ecommerce data according to GS1 data standards and publishing it through a Salsify embedded GDSN data pool to the GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network (GS1 GDSN®). Salsify’s data pool is a GS1-certified data pool that provides the ability to synchronize content across a global network of participating GS1 GDSN recipients.

    • Configure logistical hierarchies and logistics data using GS1-standard and GS1-optional properties
    • Publish product records and logistical hierarchies to Salsify’s integrated GDSN data pool for further syndication to retailer data pools using the GS1 GDSN standard format and protocol
    • Entitlements
      • Each licensed Salsify GDSN product entitles Customer to publish content to the Salsify GDSN data pool for an unlimited number of GLNs in the GS1 GDSN target market specified in the Order Form

    GDSN licenses include an increased SLA for all GDSN-related Support issues. Details can be found within our Standard Support Availability Policy.

    Catalog Sites

    Catalog Sites enables the creation of digital catalog sites for sharing read-only access to up-to-date product data stored in Salsify with customers, partners, and teams.

    • Build engaging digital catalogs using an intuitive user interface built with business users in mind 
    • Preview and publish Catalog Sites only when data is ready and complete
    • Search, filtering, product groups, and variant groups for easy site navigation
    • Spreadsheet and digital asset export
    • Global property sets to scale catalog site management across teams and markets
    • Branding customization for personalized site experiences
    • Entitlements
      • Each licensed Salsify Catalog Sites product entitles Customer up to the number of Page Views specified in the Order Form

    Grocery Accelerator

    Grocery Accelerator adds capabilities to the Salsify PXM Advance Platform tailored to content intended for grocery retailers.

    • View product nutritional content in a standard Nutrition Facts label format directly on Salsify product details pages
    • Enable human- and AI-powered validations based on a Salsify-maintained Grocery Category Guide aligned to retailer and regulatory body guidelines:
      • Automatically validate grocery content's quality and accuracy with workflows that check content as it enters the Salsify platform
    • Automatically add missing content into the Salsify platform from product packaging images
    • Entitlements
      • Up to 1,000 GTINs; Customer may license additional GTINs separately

    E-Commerce Integration: Shopify GraphQL

    E-Commerce Integration: Shopify GraphQL enables Customer to syndicate product content (stored in Salsify PXM Advance Platform) to Shopify storefronts.

    • Storefront-specific validations as defined by the brand for unique direct-to-consumer site requirements
    • Storefront-specific content mapping and transformation
    • Manage content for all Shopify metafield types
    • Manage variant axis and variant option value ordering across product families
    • Entitlements
      • 1 Shopify Storefront; Customer may license additional Shopify Storefronts separately

    E-Commerce Integration: Salesforce B2C Commerce

    E-Commerce Integration: Salesforce B2C Commerce enables Customer to syndicate product content (stored in Salsify PXM Advance Platform) to Salesforce B2C Commerce storefronts.

    • Storefront-specific validations as defined by the brand for unique direct-to-consumer site requirements 
    • Storefront-specific content mapping and transformation
    • Manage content for standalone products, products with variations, and product bundles
    • With the Salsify Product Experience Management for B2C Commerce cartridge available in the Salesforce AppExchange, automates the import of new and updated product content into Salesforce B2C Commerce
    • Entitlements
      • 1 Salesforce B2C Commerce Storefront; Customer may license additional Salesforce B2C Commerce Storefronts separately

    E-Commerce Integration: BigCommerce

    E-Commerce Integration: BigCommerce enables Customer to syndicate product content (stored in Salsify PXM Advance Platform) to BigCommerce storefronts.

    • Storefront-specific validations as defined by the brand for unique direct-to-consumer site requirements 
    • Storefront-specific content mapping and transformation
    • Manage products, assets, and categories
    • Manage standalone products, product variants, custom fields, and metafields
    • Entitlements
      • 1 BigCommerce Storefront; Customer may license additional BigCommerce Storefronts separately

    Additional Production Instance

    Entitles customer to an additional Production Instance deployed with the collective add-ons licensed by the SLU’s with the same platform edition. Includes additional entitlements based on the licensed platform edition:

    • Core Edition
      • Additional 50,000 Records
      • Additional 500 GB Asset Storage
    • Enterprise Edition
      • Additional 100,000 Records
      • Additional 500 GB Asset Storage
      • Additional 3 Dynamic Permission Policies
    • Enterprise Plus Edition
      • Additional 250,000 Records
      • Additional 1,000 GB Asset Storage
      • Additional 250 Dynamic Permission Policies

    Other than the entitlements listed in this section, Additional Production Instances do not include any additional entitlements.

    Customer may use a Production Instance entitlement to deploy a Non-production Instance.

    Non-Production Instance

    Entitles customer to a Non-Production Instance deployed with the collective add-ons licensed by the SLU’s with the same platform edition. Includes additional entitlements based on the licensed platform edition:

    • Core Edition
      • Additional 50,000 Records
      • Additional 500 GB Asset Storage
    • Enterprise Edition
      • Additional 100,000 Records
      • Additional 500 GB Asset Storage
      • Additional 3 Dynamic Permission Policies
    • Enterprise Plus Edition
      • Additional 250,000 Records
      • Additional 1,000 GB Asset Storage
      • Additional 250 Dynamic Permission Policies

    Other than the entitlements listed in this section, Additional non-Production Instances do not include any additional entitlements.

    SKUlibrary Retailer Activation Network

    Syndication access to the exclusive SKUlibrary retailer network from SKUvantage. These retailers are in Australia/New Zealand.

    PXM Advance General Definitions


    Salsify Software Solutions that leverage and run off of the Salsify PXM Advance Platform to provide Customer with additional features and functionality.


    Specific allowances licensed by the customer, tied to functionality within the Salsify PXM Advance Platform or Add-ons. Each entitlement is classified as a Configuration Entitlement, a Monthly Entitlement, or a Yearly Entitlement to specify how entitlement license compliance is determined.

    Configuration Entitlement

    Entitlements with an allowance based on the configuration of the Salsify PXM Advance Platform or Add-ons. Customer’s actual configuration cannot exceed the amount of the Configuration Entitlement licensed.

    Monthly Entitlement

    Entitlements with an allowance based on usage of the Salsify PXM Advance Platform or Add-ons within a calendar month. Salsify measures usage against a Monthly Entitlement as the monthly average of the most recent three complete calendar months. A Customer's average monthly usage over the most recent three months cannot exceed the amount of the Monthly Entitlement licensed by the Customer.

    Yearly Entitlement

    Entitlements with an allowance based on usage of the Salsify PXM Advance Platform or Add-ons over a one-year period of Customer's subscription. A Customer's total usage over a one-year period of Customer's subscription cannot exceed the amount of the Yearly Entitlement licensed by Customer. For subscription periods of less than one year ("partial year"), a Customer's total usage over the partial year cannot exceed the prorated amount of the Yearly Entitlement licensed by the Customer.

    Salsify Licensing Unit (SLU)

    The unit within a company by which Salsify licenses the Platform. An SLU represents a team, business unit, or entity within a company with an independent or unique mission, focus area, operating strategy, and/or goals. SLUs are generally organized by brands, product categories, or geographic regions, or a combination of them. Except as otherwise stated in an Order Form, the Salsify products included in an Order Form are licensed on an SLU by SLU basis, and may only be used with Records and Digital Assets corresponding to the SLUs for which they are licensed.  Numeric entitlements (e.g., number of Users) may be aggregated and shared among the SLUs that have licensed a product that uses such entitlement.

    PXM Advance Entitlement Definitions

    API Calls

    The number of individual requests made programmatically against the Salsify API, excluding API calls invoked in the course of using the standard Salsify user interface. 

    API Calls is a Monthly Entitlement.

    Asset Bandwidth

    The amount of data, in GB, transmitted from Salsify’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) to any internet channel.

    Note: A CDN provides highly available and performant access to your Salsify Digital Assets (media files) to end-users across the internet using a geographically distributed network of servers. Salsify's CDN also provides Digital Asset transformation capabilities. Salsify's CDN offering is through a third-party partner.

    Asset Bandwidth is a Monthly Entitlement.

    Asset Storage

    The size, measured in GB, of all Digital Assets that a Customer has stored in the Platform.

    Asset Storage is a Configuration Entitlement.

    BigCommerce Storefront

    A distinct BigCommerce storefront that Customer uses the Salsify E-Commerce Integration: BigCommerce to publish content to. Each distinct BigCommerce storefront typically has its own web address, name, branding, and other configuration elements.

    BigCommerce Storefront is a Configuration Entitlement.

    Custom Integration

    Any custom application, transformation, or integration service developed and hosted by Salsify on behalf of a customer. Custom integrations can be inbound or outbound extensions of the Salsify PXM platform, in order to programmatically connect to Customer’s source systems and/or destination endpoints.

    Digital Asset

    Any file-based content that is stored digitally in the Platform, including images, videos, comparison charts, photos, logos, and brand guides.

    Dynamic Permission Policies

    The number of security policies configured in the Platform. Customers can use security policies to restrict Salsify Users' access to products and assets based on the values of specific properties as well as to restrict Salsify Users' access to specific locales. 

    Dynamic Permission Policies is a Configuration Entitlement.

    Dynamic Permission Policies is available to customers licensing the Enterprise or Enterprise Plus editions of the Platform.

    Enhanced Content Destination (Enhanced Content)

    A distinct shopper destination (as defined by a unique domain name) that is the target of below-the-fold enhanced content publication.

    Enhanced Content Destination is a Configuration Entitlement.


    The number of channel publishes and channel downloads across all types of Salsify channels, including direct connections, custom readiness report channels, and custom channels. 

    Exports is a Monthly Entitlement.

    GTIN (Grocery Accelerator)

    A distinct product, as determined by having a distinct Global Trade Item Number, that completes the Grocery Accelerator’s content quality workflows or Kroger direct connection post-publish content validations.

    GTIN is a Yearly Entitlement.


    A Locale is a distinct language (e.g. English, Spanish, French, etc.) and country (e.g. United States, France, Germany) combination for which multilingual content can be stored by utilizing localized properties. The country component of a Locale is optional.  

    Locales is a Configuration Entitlement.

    Non-Production Instance

    An additional Salsify environment that is not a Production Instance (e.g. Staging, Sandbox, QA, Development, etc.).

    Order (Orders & Inventory)

    An Order is a single transaction of a customer purchase with a single 'Order ID' from the point of sale. 

    Orders is a Yearly Entitlement.

    Page View (Catalog Sites)

    A Page View is an occurrence of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser when someone visits a published Catalog Sites URL. 

    Catalog Sites Page Views is a Yearly Entitlement.

    Production Instance

    Any part of the Customer’s instance of the Salsify PXM Advance Platform that is a live environment for end users to use, as opposed to, for example, a test environment.


    A uniquely-identifiable record stored in the Salsify PXM Advance Platform, including product (i.e SKU, GTIN, UPC) and non-product (i.e brand, swatch, affiliate, brand ambassador) records. Records exclude Digital Assets.

    In the case of records in a hierarchy, the records at each level of the hierarchy are counted separately. Multiple records identifying the same underlying product or non-product entity in the same Production or Non-production Instance are counted separately.

    Record is a Configuration Entitlement.

    Salesforce B2C Commerce Storefront

    A distinct Salesforce B2C Commerce storefront that Customer uses the Salsify E-Commerce Integration: Salesforce B2C Commerce to publish content to. Each distinct Salesforce Commerce Cloud Storefront typically has its own web address, name, branding, and other configuration elements.

    Salesforce Commerce Cloud Storefront is a Configuration Entitlement.

    Shopify Storefront

    A distinct Shopify storefront that Customer uses the Salsify E-Commerce Integration: Shopify GraphQL to publish content to. Each distinct Shopify storefront typically has its own web address, name, branding, and other configuration elements.

    Shopify Storefront is a Configuration Entitlement.

    Sites (Digital Shelf Analytics products)
    An individual website domain that is monitored by a Salsify Digital Shelf Analytics product for the purpose of generating Digital Shelf Analytics Buy Box, Share of Search, or Reviews reports. In cases where one retailer website has multiple URLs, the number of Sites is equivalent to the number of distinct URLs. For example,,, and count as 3 Sites.

    Sites is a Configuration Entitlement.

    Unique URLs Crawled

    The number of distinct retailer product detail page URLs that Salsify crawls to generate Product Page and Brand Compliance reports for the Customer.

    Crawled URLs for Digital Shelf Reports is a Monthly Entitlement.

    User means each of Customer’s employees, agents, and independent contractors who are authorized with access to the Salsify PXM Advance Platform.

    Each User’s license is intended solely for such User and cannot be shared or used by any other individual, provided that it may be reassigned to a new User replacing the previous User if the previous User terminates its employment with Customer, changes job status or function, or otherwise no longer requires use of the Salsify PXM Advance Platform. For avoidance of doubt, each User license includes access to all of the Customer’s Production Instances and Non-production Instances.  

    User is a Configuration Entitlement.

    Workflow Automated Tasks

    The number of automated workflow tasks created in the Platform.

    Workflow Automated Tasks is a Monthly Entitlement.

    Additional PXM Advance Products

    Custom Integration Hosting and Maintenance

    Includes the following services in support of one (1) Custom Integration developed by Salsify for the Customer:

    • Hosting services
    • Integration platform log monitoring and maintenance
    • Technical error remediation (failure to perform per the agreed upon technical specification, under normal use and circumstances)
    • Adherence to the Salsify PXM Advance Platform and Salsify integration best practices

    Custom Integration Hosting & Maintenance does not include:

    • New code development
    • Functionality enhancements and/or upgrades
    • Integration alignment to new and/or modified source systems, endpoints, and corresponding third party applications

    Digital Shelf Analytics: Buy Box Report

    Digital shelf analytics reports that collect data from retail endpoints for Customer to measure and optimize product page performance. Includes 3P Sellers, In-Stock Availability, and Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Reporting:

    • 3P Sellers Reporting monitors which seller wins the buy box. 
    • In-Stock Availability Reporting monitors if a product is in-stock on the product page.
    • Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Reporting monitors price on the product page and identifies if it falls below specified MAP
    • Available for renewals of existing orders of Insights Buy Box only.
    • Entitlements
      • Includes Buy Box Reports for 1 Site; Customer may license reporting for additional Sites separately

    Digital Shelf Analytics: Share of Search Report

    Digital shelf analytics reports that collect data from retail endpoints for Customer to measure and optimize product page performance. Includes Share of Search reporting only:

    • Share of Search reporting measures product search rank among specified keywords
    • Available for renewals of existing orders of Insights Content only.
    • Entitlements
      • Includes Share of Search Reports for 1 Site; Customer may license reporting for additional Sites separately

    Digital Shelf Analytics: Reviews Report

    Digital shelf analytics reports that collect data from retail endpoints for Customer to measure and optimize product page performance. Includes Ratings & Review reporting only:

    • Ratings & Review reporting monitors the ratings and reviews for particular products
    • Available for renewals of existing orders of Insights Reviews only.
    • Entitlements
      • Includes Reviews Reports for 1 Site; Customer may license reporting for additional Sites separately

    1WS GDSN Connector

    Allows Customer to publish logistics data to the GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network®  through the 1WorldSync GDSN data pool.

    • Available for renewals of existing orders of 1WS GDSN Connection only.


    Salsify PXM Advance Definitions and Entitlement Guide 2024 v1.2 Confidential & Proprietary