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    Salsify Partner: Smartcat

    Smartcat, the Language Delivery Platform™️ combines a powerful TMS with both high-quality AI automatic translation, and AI-driven human workflows to make any business multilingual. With over 15,000 customers and a global marketplace of over 500,000 expert linguists and boutique agencies coupled with an enterprise-compliant procurement platform, Smartcat offers a unique and comprehensive solution to support the enterprise localization process from end-to-end.


    [CASE STUDY] Kids2 automated ecommerce translation with Smartcat-Salsify connector

    Find out in Smartcat’s case study how the integration of their translation solution with Salsify’s Product Experience Management (PXM) platform helped the leading infant and toddler product manufacturer Kids2 feed automated content translation into Salsify PXM via the Smartcat-Salsify Connector. Beyond 50-92% reduced turnaround times, the single, central source of truth for all translated product content enabled consistent, accurate product data across the digital shelf. 

