
    Onboard the Data Needed To Win the Omnichannel Shopper

    Overcome the Challenges of the Omnichannel Era With Supplier Experience Management (SXM)

    Salsify Icon Data Validation

    Onboard the Right Data

    Adapt your data model quickly to keep up with constantly changing attribute requirements.

    Salsify Icon Supplier Data Management

    Facilitate Supplier Data Management

    Collect product data from your entire supplier base, no matter their size or industry.

    Salsify Icon Product Data

    Ensure Data Meets Your Needs

    Collect the right data to meet the needs of your internal teams.

    Salsify Icon Time to Market

    Improve Time To Market

    Bring products to market faster and guarantee assortment availability and restocking.

    Salsify Icons Increase Conversions

    Increase Conversions

    Improve online shopper experiences with optimized product content and product data enrichment.

    Salsify Icon Reduce Costs

    Reduce Costs

    Increase productivity while reducing operational costs from data collection and incorrect product data.

    0 K
    Suppliers Sharing Products With Retailers
    0 M
    Requests Sent to Suppliers Every Year
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    SKUs Supported

    Collect the Right Data for Success

    Flexible Data Quality

    Keep up with ever-increasing product volumes through a flexible, customizable data model, supported by automated data quality controls and data quality monitoring.

    Frictionless Supplier Onboarding

    Onboard thousands of suppliers of all sizes and industries by leveraging a combination of automated and assisted onboarding to create a win-win supplier-retailer relationship.

    Collaborative Data Collection

    Streamline data collection with a centralized platform that connects suppliers and retailers. Speed up data corrections with tools such as chat and collaborative edits, while workflow tools reduce time-consuming manual tasks.

    Bring Products To Market Faster

    Collaborate with suppliers to onboard and manage the logistical data needed to sell products on the omnichannel shelf faster. 

    Increase Online Conversions

    Onboard and manage the enriched content needed to create winning product experiences and increase conversions on the digital shelf.

    Learn How SXM Can Help You Create Great Product Experiences


    Become an Omnichannel Leader

    The amount of data needed to launch a product is extensive (and increasing). Collecting and managing suppliers’ data is a manual, time-consuming, and error-prone process that can have a direct impact on an organization’s bottom line. With SXM, you can drive growth and improve efficiency across all your routes to market to ultimately achieve omnichannel leadership in your category.

    "Salsify helps us meet product data collection and long-term quality challenges for all categories of food and non-food products."

    Emmanuelle Romestaing
    Product Pricing and Referencing Director, METRO France


    Win on the Omnichannel Shelf by Integrating SXM Into the Rest of Your Enterprise Systems Architecture

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    On-Demand | 5 Top Tips for Retailers and Brands To Collaborate Effectively

    Watch now on-demand: 5 Top Tips for Retailers & Brands to Collaborate Effectively


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    Supplier experience management (SXM) is a platform that allows retailers to collect, centralize, ...


    Explore How Salsify Can Help You Win the Digital Shelf