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    Infographic: How To Exchange Product Data With Your Network

    February 7, 2014
    2 minute read
    Infographic: How To Exchange Product Data With Your Network


    We've spent the last few weeks breaking down the technical systems and processes that create and exchange product data because - let's face it - finding easily digestible content about these topics on the Internet is next to impossible.

    To complement Tuesday's post about the infrastructure beyond e-commerce sites that facilities this product data exchange, we've created this infographic to sum up our key points.

    It illustrates the different ways that you can communicate your product data - attributes, descriptions, etc. - to sell your products, from exchanging logistical or marketing content with other companies to receiving and publishing content within the wider marketplace.

    And in case you're still confused about what we do, we've fit us into this data sharing landscape as well.


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    Written by: Emily Saka

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