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    Overstock Data Feed and Product Content Management | Salsify

    April 16, 2019
    4 minute read
    Overstock Data Feed and Product Content Management | Salsify

    “Success is pegged to speed to market. The faster you launch, the faster you sell, turn and increase your ROI.” These wise words are from Rachel Davis, Retail Product Data Manager, Ecommerce at Hollander, who is among the first users of Salsify’s new direct connection to Overstock. Now brands can automatically submit product content to Overstock and other key furniture and home goods retailers like Houzz, Shipt, Amazon, and Walmart through Salsify.

    Slow Time to Market for Furniture and Home Good Brands is a Challenge

    Delivering an engaging and impactful digital product experience is critical in the furniture and home goods space where shoppers do their homework before buying. According to a recent consumer research report, 66% of furniture purchasers used the internet for information while shopping in-store and 63% of purchasers visited multiple brand sites during their discovery phase.

    Despite the importance of online brand presence, the $300 billion online segment of furniture and home furnishings has long awaited a faster way to reach the channels that matter most, like Overstock. For years, home brands have been well-acquainted with the challenges of creating, submitting, and updating item setup forms. Retailer portals are often outdated, slow, and time-consuming. Emailing and publishing spreadsheets is inefficient at best, and riddled with errors at worst.

    Managing a line of over 380 sleep products on Overstock alone, Hollander was familiar with these syndication pain points. “It could take months to get an item live,”said Davis.

    Speed to Market with a Direct Connection to Overstock

    • overstock 1

    Recognizing the challenge its customers faced, Salsify partnered with Overstock to build out a direct connection to their platform to support 1P suppliers. With this connection, brands can:

    Get product content to market faster. Once a brand hits publish, Salsify automatically submits the content to the retailer.

    Send the correct content every time. Salsify monitors retailer requirements so brands are always up-to-date - and analyzes product content against retailer requirements to ensure content is complete and accurate.

    Stay current on retailer feedback. Get notifications when products have been submitted successfully and when updates have been completed.

    “Salsify makes the entire process much easier,” noted Davis. “Any changes we make in Salsify now can be immediately synched with Overstock.” She also said that Overstock’s feedback helped her quickly identify and resolve issues. Overstock is known for its best in class approach to supplier feedback - providing suggestions on how to improve content - and Salsify makes this information directly available in its platform.

    With Salsify’s direct connection to Overstock and other home and furniture retailers, brands have one unified platform that connects them to all their critical partners.

    The Overstock direct connection is free of charge for Salsify customers - as are the connections to Houzz, Shipt, Amazon, and Walmart. To learn more or to get started, contact customer support. If you are not a Salsify customer, register for a demonstration.


    Written by: Betsy Timbers

    Betsy Timbers is a Sr. Product Marketing Manager covering Salsify's Connections and Ecosystem solutions.

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