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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
    5 minute read

    What Macy's can learn from Bonobos

    What Macy's can learn from Bonobos. Photo credit: Bonobos blog. The Takeaway: Macy's and other major clothing retailers should consider emulating Bonobos' use of...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Product Information Management for Apparel

    The Takeaway: The apparel industry might be missing the mark on product content, but with a new outlook and approach to providing product information on digital channels,...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    Amazon has its eyes on fashion now

    The Takeaway: Amazon appears on the verge of entering the fashion space, and that should make fashion retailers and designers very nervous.
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Chief Digital Officers: Why You Need One and What Makes a Good One

    Takeaway: Brands and retailers that want to stay competitive in the age of distributed commerce have to start thinking organizationally. They have to carve out specific...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
    5 minute read

    Fashion is getting disrupted by an unsuspecting culprit

    The Takeaway: The traditional six-month cycle from showing clothes on a runway to selling them in stores seems increasingly obsolete in the social media age.
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    Digital Shelf Insights
    4 minute read

    Ad blocker popularity elevates importance of great product content

    The Takeaway: As ad blockers become more common, ecommerce brands ad retailers need to find new ways of engaging with prospects. Rich product content may be the answer.
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
    5 minute read

    Why you need more than just images to sell your products

    Why you need more than just images to sell your products The Takeaway: While images are undoubtedly an integral part of selling products online, it's critical that...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    What CPG Companies Need to Know About SmartLabel

    If you’re a CPG company or in the petcare industry, you’ve probably been hearing more and more about SmartLabel. As we speak to our customers, it’s clear that CPG companies...
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    Ecommerce Trends
    2 minute read

    Vote for Salsify in BostInno's Tech Madness Bracket

    BostInno announced the 64 companies seeded in its 2016Tech Madness Bracket, and we are stoked to announce that we're one of those companies!The month-long online...
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