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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    This KFC commercial is the best ad on TV: Here's Why

    I can not tell a lie: I've never eaten KFC. Despite that, watching this commercial made me consider a little late night stop, and not just because my roommates were...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Mind your Millennials: How to Convert with Instagram

    Millennialls get skewered all over the internet: lazy, self centered, no loyalty. This supposed lack of “brand loyalty”, is actually the result of a smarter breed of...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    6 Pivotal Steps for Epic Product Images

    You know that product images are pivotal to conversion and that 67% of online retail consumers make purchases based on images, but aside from using high resolution images...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    If you're a retail buyer, you're probably also a professional stylist, an expert negotiator, a forecasting fortune teller, an analytical guru, a visual artist and a...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    How Marbles: The Brain Store Mastered Item Onboarding (Case Study)

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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    Bye Paper Catalogs, Showcase and Share Product Information Digitally

    While our blog generally focuses on industry trends, best practices, and interviews, we’re taking a moment this week to share an exciting new free tool: shareable digital...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    3 Reasons to Use Product Videos

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    Bringing Sell Sheets to the 21st Century

    While our blog generally focuses on industry trends, best practices, and interviews, we’re taking a moment this week to share an exciting new feature in the Salsify product:...
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    3 Reasons Why Product Content Exchange Should Be Your #1 Priority

    As e-retailers plan their investment strategies and focus on mobile, personalization, omnichannel, etc., the retail community is putting the cart before the horse. These...
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