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    Ecommerce Trends
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    2023 Trends in the Global Economy: How Brands and Retailers Can Thrive

    Uncertainty remains the watchword for brands and retailers. From supply chain challenges to logistic price shocks and overstock issues, the past several years have been a...
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    Product Page Optimization
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    Product Page Examples: Furniture and Home Goods Brands

    For furniture and home goods brands, there are additional considerations that must be taken when setting up a product display page (PDP).
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Consumer Trend Forecasting: What To Expect in 2023

    Trend forecasting is an art form that requires analyzing what’s already happened to predict what’s next. Future consumer trends beget much speculation every year — and for...
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    Customer Voices
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    Tom Chattaway of Lifetime Brands Europe: Expand With Centralized Data

    At Lifetime Brands Europe, we have about 7,000 products total — and nearly 4,500 active products, sold across 70 regions — but we had no central hub to help us stay organized.
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Winning Examples of Product Descriptions and How To Write Them

    A good product description will draw shoppers in, but an excellent product description will convert them to purchase.
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Are You Product Catfishing? Why Your Ecommerce Marketing Strategy Must Include Consistent Content

    Hook, line, and sinker. Are your ecommerce marketing efforts grabbing the attention of consumers and luring them to shop your digital shelf? It might not be for the right...
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    Ecommerce Trends
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    Top Home Furniture Trends And How Brands Can Keep Up

    Living spaces have been seeing a lot more living (and working, and working out, and so on). According to Home Advisor’s “State of Home Spending 2020” report, 70% of...
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    Product Page Optimization
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    3 Home and Garden Brands Winning With Enhanced Content

    Leading home and garden brands understand the importance of enhanced content. Utilizing its capabilities can aid in product search and discovery and increase product page...
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    Ecommerce Trends
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    Consumers Want Store Brand Products — Here’s How to Do It Well (With Examples)

    Store brands, otherwise known as private labels, are having their moment this year. With inflation and economic uncertainty putting pressure on shoppers, they have good...
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