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    Product Page Optimization
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    New Year, New You: Top Rebrand Examples for Brands

    With the new year upon us, brands worldwide are brainstorming ways to reconnect with current customers and attract new customers.
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    Ecommerce Trends
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    What Is Recommerce — And What Does It Mean for Brands?

    Whether you’re in the market for a vintage clothing item, a deal on a refurbished gadget, or just something that catches your eye with a lower carbon footprint, you’re...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Content Marketing for Ecommerce: Top Tips To Drive Conversion

    It’s common knowledge that content marketing for ecommerce is important, but it can be tricky to identify everything that makes up a successful brand strategy. The ecommerce...
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    What Is the Average Conversion Rate for Ecommerce — And How Do I Boost It?

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    Ecommerce Trends
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    Top Consumer Trends in Beauty and Personal Care

    What do shoppers want from beauty and personal care brands? While the list is large, the central theme is clear: innovation. As the market continues to shift — and buyers...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    How Beauty Brands Win With Product Content Syndication

    Fledgling, direct-to-consumer (D2C) startups have recently disrupted some beauty brands with generations-long legacies. Select store brands have also unseated trendy,...
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    Ecommerce Marketing
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    How To Build an Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

    Marketing campaigns have been around in some form or another since at least the age of antiquity (starting with fish sauce in 35 B.C.).
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    How To Build a Strategy for Digital Transformation

    Technology has accelerated every part of the buying cycle, from one-click purchases to auto-refresh inventory.
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    Product Page Optimization
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    3 Beauty Brands Winning With Enhanced Content

    Beauty brands have the complex challenge of translating tactile in-store shopping experiences into compelling digital encounters. Shoppers want information about every aspect...
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