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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
    7 minute read

    How Brands Use Virtual Photography, 3D, and AR To Boost Digital Sales

    Think about all the engaging content we consume on a daily basis: We scroll through cleverly crafted TikToks on our phones, challenge ourselves through lifelike video games...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Here’s Why You Need a Digital Shelf Strategy

    There are many of us who still harbor fond, nostalgic memories of the 1990s, but let’s be honest — would any of us want to shop that way again?
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    Customer Voices
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    Sean Donovan of MSA Safety: How We Took Control of Our Digital Shelf With Salsify

    A consistent online presence makes a big difference in terms of how a brand is perceived and how successful its ecommerce efforts can be. Unfortunately, at MSA Safety, we...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Why Brands Must Win the Ecommerce Algorithm

    It was in 1944 that British property magnate Lord Harold Samuel first coined what is now the most widely recognized adage about the real estate market: “There are three...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    Customer Voices
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    Jordan Rosenbaum of Energizer: Improving Online Customer Experiences at Scale With Salsify

    At Energizer, one of the world's largest manufacturers of consumer batteries, lighting, and automotive, we understand that the quality of customer experiences drives our...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Fashion Market Research Reveals the Top Buyer Turnoffs

    The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of digital in the fashion and apparel industry. More and more people are shopping online, enabling clothing brands to optimize...
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    Product Page Best Practices for Brands [Download]

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    Salsify News
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    Forrester Names Salsify a Leader in 2021 PIM Wave Report

    The consumer world has changed, and competition on the digital shelf now gives shoppers almost infinite options. This evolution has put increased pressure on brands to...
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