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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
    7 minute read

    Oshiya Savur of Revlon: How Luxury Beauty Brands Build an Amazon Marketing Strategy

    Every decade welcomes changes to the personal care and beauty industry. The 1980s embraced neon clothing, voluminous hair, and bold makeup. The 1990s ushered in grunge...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    Why Engaging Content Makes Winning Digital Shelf Experiences

    Consumers increasingly demand engaging product content on the digital shelf, but creating this content at scale can be challenging for brands.
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    Ecommerce Trends
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    Ecommerce Data: 3 Ways Consumer Expectations Have Changed in 2021

    Ecommerce data plays a vital role in scaling and growing a brand. It helps business owners make better strategic decisions, improve marketing plans, reduce costs, and more.
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    Customer Voices
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    Kevin Creese of Wastequip: How Clean Data Powers a Successful B2B Ecommerce Strategy

    The first two times we tried to syndicate product data across our major retail partners, the attempts failed. Each retailer has its own data needs, templates, and other...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
    6 minute read

    What To Look for in an Omnichannel Solution

    Today, all commerce is digital — even when a consumer buys a product in-store. Whether it’s Amazon, your direct-to-consumer (D2C) site, or a brick-and-mortar retail partner,...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
    6 minute read

    How To Implement an Omnichannel Retail Strategy

    If changes to shopping behavior over the past several years (and accelerated by COVID-19) have shown anything, it’s that buyers will flock to the most convenient and complete...
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    Customer Voices
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    Sheri Stoller of Trilliant: How To Take Back Your Digital Shelf

    "I lean on Salsify all the time — from their customer success team and my onboarding team to my account managers. They have been with me every step of the way, ensuring we...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    The Digital Shelf vs. Ecommerce Explained

    It's one of the most common questions in commerce: What’s the difference between the digital shelf vs. ecommerce? To answer this question, think about the last thing you...
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    Ecommerce Trends
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    5 B2B Digital Commerce Trends To Watch

    As we reflected on 2020, we realized the year challenged, accelerated, and defied a lot of expectations we had for business-to-business or B2B trends.
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