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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
    5 minute read

    How Brand Collaborations With Retailers Drive Business Results

    We learn these essential principles in kindergarten: the value of caring, sharing, and teamwork. These foundational lessons also come in handy for companies looking to stand...
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    Ecommerce Research and Data
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    How Much Time Do Shoppers Spend in the Consumer Buying Journey?

    Ecommerce experts know: As the digital marketplace continues to evolve, understanding the intricate ins and outs of the modern consumer buying journey is becoming...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    How To Choose the Best PIM Software

    Without a central source of truth for product information, such as SKUs, titles, universal product codes (UPCs), and technical specifications, you risk sharing out-of-date...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Why Omnichannel Commerce Is Now Essential for Food and Beverage Brands

    For food and beverage brands, sustained success in the online-first market means standing out from the crowd with an omnichannel approach that creates interconnected customer
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    Salsify News
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    Salsify Certification Program: Customer and Partner Training

    The Salsify Customer and Partner Certification Program is designed to provide in-depth education and training across the various components of the Salsify Product Experience...
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    Ecommerce Trends
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    What Drives the Consumer Purchase Decision Process?

    In Joseph Campbell’s 1949 seminal work, “The Hero With a Thousand Faces,” the writer and academic (best known for his work in comparative mythology) presents a bold thesis:...
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    Ecommerce Leadership and Teams
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    How Every Team Benefits From a Single Source of Truth for Product Content

    Imagine this scene: You’re looking for the most up-to-date price or SKU for a new product launch but (like usual) you’ve ended up deep in an email thread with multiple...
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    Salsify News
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    How Salsify Digital Asset Experience Improves Your Brand’s Storytelling

    Brand storytelling and great product experiences require digital assets. Consumer demand for engaging product content has only grown, and images, videos, and other rich media...
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    D2C Strategy
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    Starting a D2C Business: 4 Tips for Success

    Direct-to-consumer (D2C) businesses are upending traditional sales models: Many brands have found significant success by skipping intermediaries and selling directly to...
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