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    Four Fresh Ways to Get Discovered Online

    Just as consumers are always finding new ways to research and discover products, brands should be finding new ways to be discovered. This will likely mean abandoning some...
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    7 Brand Leaders to Look for at Etail West

    This year’s Etail West event in Palm Springs is set to generate good conversations and insights for ecommerce leaders around the country. If you are a brand, you’ll see the...
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    KPIs for the Digital Shelf [Video]

    What's the best way to regularly check in on the health of your company's online presence? Salsify Co-founder Rob Gonzalez discusses the keys to an effective measurement...
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    Product Video Strategy

    What makes customers click “add to cart”? In today’s world, customers want to experience as much of the product as possible when shopping online. Often, that means watching a...
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    How to Optimize Your Amazon Listing

    Faced with the fierce competition on Amazon, it can be overwhelming to know where to focus and how best to grow sales, build your market share, and protect your brand. Josh...
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    How to Optimize Your Amazon Grocery Page

    To succeed online, grocery brands need to adopt a different strategy from what has worked offline. Product content online must first help consumers easily find a product when...
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    How to Create Product Content for Email Ecommerce

    Email marketing is a valuable part of your marketing plans. In fact, email is 40 times more likely to acquire new customers than either Facebook or Twitter, making it a far...
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    4 ways to use social networks for commerce

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced content from friends and family will be prioritized over content from brands, retailers, and publishers. Add that to the fact...
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    Whiteboard Video: How To Protect Your Brand on the Digital Shelf

    Today, the digital shelf is where most shoppers find and interact with your brand. Your online strategy plays a crucial role in communicating the value of your products and...
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