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    The 5 Must-Read Books for Every Brand in 2018

    Over the last year, the pace of new technology and retail strategy has skyrocketed. Brand CMOs and CIOs struggle to keep pace with their competition, the demands from...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
    2 minute read

    3 Ways Grocery Brands Can Win Walmart

    We took a look at some of the the leading pages on Walmart in the food and beverage category, thanks to our recently launched Walmart Product Content Grader. Recently,...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
    11 minute read

    Improve product page rank on Amazon

    There are many variables that can impact how your product page ranks on Amazon. And the higher you rank the more likely your brands will be found and bought - both on the...
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    New Research: How Leading Brands are Winning the Digital Shelf

    In 2017, more brands took control of their product content to drive better customer experience. For our new trend analysis report, Salsify commissioned Echo Cove Research to...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    How to Optimize Your Product Detail Page on

    For the first time, brand marketers and ecommerce leaders have unprecedented free and near-instant view of performance across the United States’ two largest e-retailers....
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Why Selling Online Begins with Product Information Management

    The goal of your marketing or sales team is often to drive a product to market faster than the competition and present it in a way that converts browsers to buyers. It is no...
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    4 minute read

    Feature Geek: A Chrome Extension for Content Quality Control

    As a technology company, we’re constantly looking for new problems to solve, and simpler ways to solve old problems. And we tend to geek out about some of our specific...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
    5 minute read

    SEO for Product Descriptions

    It’s Cyber Monday. Consumers are doing a final rush of holiday shopping. Like most brands you have likely already identified your most important retail channels and spent the...
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    9 minute read

    A Big Thank You to Our Customers

    Last week, we celebrated our first Salsify Customer Appreciation Day. We paired up to take time out of our work day to call our customers to thank them for working with us....
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