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    E-Commerce Challenges

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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    How Pepto-Bismol is killing it on Google search

    The Takeaway: Pepto-Bismol is leveraging existing product label information for product content purposes. And it's winning SEO.
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Strap on your headsets: Lowe's goes augmented reality

    The Takeaway: Lowe's is offering in-store augmented reality experiences, and as such is ushering in the next generation of shopping.
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    Amazon has its eyes on fashion now

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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Chief Digital Officers: Why You Need One and What Makes a Good One

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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    Ad blocker popularity elevates importance of great product content

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    What CPG Companies Need to Know About SmartLabel

    If you’re a CPG company or in the petcare industry, you’ve probably been hearing more and more about SmartLabel. As we speak to our customers, it’s clear that CPG companies...
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    Whole Foods invests in Instacart

    Credit source: Whole Foods The Takeaway: Whole Foods is sprinting ahead of their grocery competition when it comes to developing an ecommerce presence.
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