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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    The customer has killed omnichannel. Thank god.

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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Is this image CGI?! When you hear the words computer-generated imagery- or the acronym CGI - you probably think about "Jurassic World" and "Gravity" or Gollum and Smaug....
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    In 2016, shopping patterns have reached a turning point

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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    What technology will shape product content in 2016?

    What technology will shape product content in 2016? With 2015 over and done with, you know what that means: It's time for some 2016 predictions. For this particular...
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