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    Ecommerce gtm strategy

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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Here’s Why You Need a Digital Shelf Strategy

    There are many of us who still harbor fond, nostalgic memories of the 1990s, but let’s be honest — would any of us want to shop that way again?
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Why Brands Must Win the Ecommerce Algorithm

    It was in 1944 that British property magnate Lord Harold Samuel first coined what is now the most widely recognized adage about the real estate market: “There are three...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Fashion Market Research Reveals the Top Buyer Turnoffs

    The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of digital in the fashion and apparel industry. More and more people are shopping online, enabling clothing brands to optimize...
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    Product Page Best Practices for Brands [Download]

    The overwhelming majority (86%) of shoppers will pay more for a product when it comes from a brand they trust, according to the Salsify 2021 consumer research report.
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    How UK Brands Can Boost Product Page Performance on Amazon

    While 2020 was the worst year for U.K. retail sales in a quarter-century, several brands adapted to the surprise “pandemic crunch” with great success — or even experienced a...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    How to Implement a CommerceXM Platform

    Understanding how to implement a commerce experience management (CommerceXM) platform is essential for getting a return on your investment and ensuring lasting success.
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    The Complete Product Page Toolkit [Download]

    Think about the last thing you bought: What made you decide to make the move to buy? For most shoppers, a product page was central to this buying moment. The vast majority of...
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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    Ecommerce Team Job Description Templates [Download]

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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    Shopper Insights on How to Combat the Abandoned Shopping Cart

    Salsify’s latest Consumer Research Report reveals important shopper insights into customer trust and product pages.
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