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    Ecommerce gtm strategy

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    Ecommerce GTM Strategy
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    4 Common PIM Challenges

    Product information management (PIM) tools are common, but they usually fall short in helping brands deliver the consistently optimized online shopping experiences that...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    How Traditional Brands Keep Up With Digitally Native Vertical Brands

    Historically, brands that dominated supply chains dominated market share in their category. Think of Kellogg’s, Unilever, P&G -- these are the brands who owned their...
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    The New B2B Consumer | Whiteboard Video

    The B2B ecommerce tipping point is rapidly approaching. Forrester projects that by 2021, over 50% of B2B purchases will be digital. As more Millennials take a seat as B2B...
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    How Soft-Tex®’s Digital Marketing Director Won New Business and Scaled

    For over three decades, Soft-Tex® has been manufacturing and distributing specialty sleep products with an aim to incorporate the latest sleep technologies to the basic...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    How to Drive Adoption of Digital Change at Your Organization

    A study byThe McKinsey Global Institutefound that only 18% of businesses in the United States are operating at their digital potential. No matter the industry you are is...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Whiteboard Video: Continual Optimization on the Digital Shelf

    Speed is everything on the digital shelf. With private labels from Amazon and digital upstarts launching daily with faster time-to-market strategies, traditional brands are...
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    Expert Insights
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    Five Tips From A Salsify Expert: Driving Efficiency in the Digital Age

    According to a new study by Panopto, inefficient knowledge sharing cost the average large US business $47 million per year. The study also found that 60 percent of...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    How to prepare your digital shelf for better holiday sales

    The Takeaway: Our newest guide will help your brand grow sales during the holiday season by implementing four actionable initiatives to help you ensure December ecommerce...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    The State of Influencer Marketing

    As social media gained prominence in our daily lives over the last 10 years, so did brands desire to capture and utilize users with massive followers to promote their...
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