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    Digital Shelf Insights
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    Home Meridian: How we empowered our sales teams with Sell Sheets

    I’m the Director of Ecommerce for Home Meridian International, one of the world’s largest furniture producers, shipping more than 12,000 containers a year. HMI includes the...
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    Ecommerce Trends
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    3 Reasons To Combine Product Information and Digital Asset Management

    Takeaway: When your product information and digital assets live in a number of places throughout your organization, time, and money are lost. We’ve gathered the three facts...
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    The path to digital mastery [Video]

    Takeaway: Digital businesses must think differently about the ways of doing business in order to deliver the experiences customers demand today. Guest Speaker Brendan...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    How to Build the Perfect Strike Team

    Taking the leap to wrangle all the product content that exists throughout your organization into a single, organized place is a complex undertaking. No matter the size of...
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    5 Tips for Maximizing Product Sales This Holiday Season [Infographic]

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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    GTIN Management Standard: 10 new product information management rules

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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    New ebook - 9 steps to maximize your product sales this holiday season

    Prepare for the holiday season with some help from our latest ebook on how to maximize your product sales. The Takeaway: Our new ebook will help you prepare your digital...
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    Digital Shelf Insights
    5 minute read

    Target set suppliers an image deadline: What can you do to meet it?

    Target recently issued a June 30th deadline for its vendors to supply product images - with specific specifications to it’s FTP system. “Images past this date are considered...
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