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    Bounce Rate

    A bounce rate is a measure of the percentage of visitors to a website who may navigate from a particular page or leave the site without further interaction.

    What Is Bounce Rate?

    A bounce rate is a web analytics measure, also known as “stickiness,” representing the percentage of visitors who don’t view any further pages upon entering a website.

    Bounce rate is calculated by counting the number of visits to a single page and dividing the total number of visits, which will provide a percentage of the total visits to the website.

    Interpreting bounce rate is relative to the objectives you seek to achieve and the purpose of your ecommerce strategy. Branding teams will seek to design content that correlates to particular audiences they are trying to engage with, such as a blog on a specific subject matter.

    By understanding the percentage of visitors who read the blog, this metric can provide a valuable way to evaluate how successful the strategy is and whether further optimization, such as a call to action (CTA), may increase user engagement.

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