Sentiment Analysis

    Sentiment analysis is a machine-learning (ML) tool that uses natural language processing (NLP) to assess someone's spoken or written tone.

    What Is Sentiment Analysis?

    Many brands and retailers are using artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to enhance their operations, marketing, and customer engagement initiatives. Sentiment analysis is one of those increasingly popular solutions. Sentiment analysis uses natural language processing technology to analyze written or spoken language and derive insights about the person's tone, inflection, and emotions. It's an especially useful tool for AI-powered chatbots, as the technology can assess a customer's sentiment and triage accordingly. If a customer expresses frustration or anger, the chatbot can quickly filter the call to a human agent, for example. Other use cases for sentiment analysis include emails, forums, social media posts, reviews, and comments. By understanding a customer's sentiment, a brand can make better decisions about how to respond.

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