Time-Limited Offers

    Time-limited offers are promotional discounts that only apply for a short period of time.

    What Are Time-Limited Offers?

    Discounts, sales, and clearance events can help brands drive business and engage customers. Time-limited offers take that to the next level by providing a sense of urgency and exclusivity that can encourage shoppers to make a purchase. Time-limited offers include discounts during a holiday, free shipping for a specific time period, or percentage-off offers when customers purchase multiple products.

    These kinds of offers only apply for a short period of time, often a week, a month, or during a seasonal event. While time-limited offers can drive conversions from existing customers, they can also help attract new shoppers and boost loyalty all around. When shoppers feel like they've gotten a good deal during an urgent event, they're likely to shop at that brand again in the future.

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