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    Extended Reality (XR)

    Extended reality (XR) is an umbrella term for technologies that mix digital worlds with the real, physical world around us.

    What Is Extended Reality (XR)?

    Extended reality (XR) is a catch-all term for technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). It involves any technology that mixes virtual spaces with the physical world.

    These immersive technologies have made a splash in the ecommerce world, helping brands better engage customers, particularly online. Some glasses companies are using virtual reality to enable online shoppers to digitally "try on" glasses. Furniture brands are enabling customers to use their mobile apps to superimpose items into their homes to see what a couch or table might look like.

    These types of extended reality (XR) experiences help bridge the gap between in-person and online shopping, making customers feel more confident in their ecommerce purchasing decisions.

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